📜  gau mata - Python (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:15:13.601000             🧑  作者: Mango

Gau Mata - Python

Gau Mata or "mother cow" is a revered animal in Hindu culture, and therefore it is not surprising that the term "Gau Mata" has been used in the context of a Python library. Gau Mata is a library for Python that provides a powerful set of functions and tools to work with data in many different ways.


To install Gau Mata, you can use pip.

pip install gau-mata

Gau Mata provides a wide range of features to handle data in Python.

Data Wrangling

Gau Mata provides several functions for data cleaning and transformation, such as:

  • gau_mata.clean(): Clean up the data by removing missing values, duplicates, etc.
  • gau_mata.transform(): Transform the data by applying functions, renaming columns, etc.
  • gau_mata.pivot(): Pivot the data by reshaping it from long to wide format.
Data Visualization

Gau Mata provides several functions for data visualization, such as:

  • gau_mata.plot(): Create various types of plots, such as line, scatter, bar, and pie charts.
  • gau_mata.hist(): Create histograms and density plots.
  • gau_mata.boxplot(): Create box plots to visualize the distribution of data.
Machine Learning

Gau Mata provides several machine learning algorithms to help you analyze and classify your data, such as:

  • gau_mata.naive_bayes(): Use the Naive Bayes algorithm to classify data.
  • gau_mata.knn(): Use the K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm to classify data.
  • gau_mata.svm(): Use the Support Vector Machine algorithm to classify data.

Here's an example of how to use Gau Mata:

import pandas as pd
import gau_mata

# Load data
df = pd.read_csv('data.csv')

# Clean data
df_cleaned = gau_mata.clean(df)

# Transform data
df_transformed = gau_mata.transform(df_cleaned, func=my_func)

# Visualize data
gau_mata.plot(df_transformed, x='col1', y='col2', kind='line')

# Classify data
gau_mata.naive_bayes(df_transformed, features=['col1', 'col2'], target='target_col')

Gau Mata is a powerful library that can help you work with data in many different ways. Whether you need to clean, transform, visualize, or classify your data, Gau Mata has got you covered.