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📜  django rest framework default_authentication_classes - Python (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:14:43.463000             🧑  作者: Mango

Django Rest Framework Default Authentication Classes


In Django Rest Framework (DRF), authentication is a crucial aspect when building RESTful APIs. DRF provides a set of default authentication classes that can easily handle authentication and authorization for API views. This guide will provide an in-depth overview of the default authentication classes available in DRF.

Default Authentication Classes

DRF provides several default authentication classes, each serving a different purpose. These classes are used in conjunction with DRF's authentication middleware to authenticate incoming requests.


The BasicAuthentication class implements HTTP Basic authentication. It requires the clients to include their credentials (username and password) with every request. This authentication method is considered simple and less secure, as the credentials are transmitted in plain text.


The SessionAuthentication class utilizes Django's session framework for authentication. It relies on the session cookie sent by the client for authentication. This authentication method is commonly used in browser-based applications where the client handles cookies automatically.


The TokenAuthentication class authenticates requests using a token-based approach. The client needs to include an authentication token in the request headers or query parameters for each API call. The token acts as a temporary authentication credential for the request.


The JSONWebTokenAuthentication class provides authentication using JSON Web Tokens (JWT). JWT is a self-contained token format that securely represents claims between two parties. The client needs to include a valid JWT in the request headers for authentication.


The RemoteUserAuthentication class provides authentication based on the value of the REMOTE_USER header set by the web server. This authentication is useful in scenarios where the web server handles the authentication and DRF just needs to validate the REMOTE_USER header.

How to Use Default Authentication Classes

To use any of the default authentication classes in DRF, you need to set the DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES setting in your DRF configuration. This setting should be a list of authentication class references.

For example, to enable token-based authentication and session authentication, you can add the following to your settings.py:


Once set, the authentication classes will be applied to all API views by default. You can also apply authentication classes to specific views or viewsets by setting the authentication_classes attribute on those views.


The default authentication classes in Django Rest Framework provide a convenient way to secure your API endpoints. By properly configuring and implementing the appropriate authentication classes, you can ensure that your APIs are accessed by authorized users only. Remember to choose the authentication method that best suits your application's requirements and security needs.