📜  arrow.get(null) - Python (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:39:21.308000             🧑  作者: Mango

Introduction to arrow.get(null) - Python

The arrow.get(null) method in Python, provided by the Arrow library, allows programmers to work with date and time in a more intuitive and efficient way. It provides a simplified interface for parsing, formatting, and manipulating dates and times.


Before using arrow.get(null), you need to install the Arrow library. You can do this by running the following command:

pip install arrow

To use arrow.get(null), you first need to import the Arrow library in your Python script:

import arrow
Parsing a Null Date

The arrow.get(null) method is used to parse a null date. A null date is often represented by None or an empty string. The method returns an Arrow object corresponding to the current date and time.

import arrow

null_date = None
date = arrow.get(null_date)




In the example above, null_date is set to None, and arrow.get(null_date) returns an Arrow object representing the current date and time.

Handling Different Null Date Values

The arrow.get(null) method can handle different formats of null date values. Here are a few examples:

import arrow

null_date1 = None
null_date2 = ""
null_date3 = "N/A"

date1 = arrow.get(null_date1)
date2 = arrow.get(null_date2)
date3 = arrow.get(null_date3)




In the example above, null_date1 and null_date2 are set to None and an empty string respectively, while null_date3 is set to "N/A". Regardless of the input format, arrow.get(null_date) returns an Arrow object representing the current date and time.

Manipulating Null Dates

Once you have parsed a null date using arrow.get(null), you can perform various operations on it. The Arrow object provides methods to add or subtract durations, change time zones, format the date in a specific way, and much more.

Here's an example that demonstrates some operations on a null date:

import arrow

null_date = None
date = arrow.get(null_date)

one_day_later = date.shift(days=1)
formatted_date = one_day_later.format('YYYY-MM-DD')




In the example above, arrow.get(null_date) returns an Arrow object representing the current date and time. The shift() method is used to add one day to the date, and then the format() method is applied to print the date in the "YYYY-MM-DD" format.


The arrow.get(null) method in Python's Arrow library provides a convenient way to work with null dates. It simplifies parsing, manipulation, and formatting of dates and times, making it easier for programmers to handle various scenarios.