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📜  yesn't (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:35:48.708000             🧑  作者: Mango

yesn't - A negation library for Python


yesn't is a lightweight Python library that provides a simple and intuitive way to negate expressions in Python. It allows you to write negations in a more natural way, making your code easier to understand and more readable.


yesn't provides the following features:

  • Negation of boolean expressions
  • Negation of numerical expressions
  • Negation of string expressions
  • Support for multiple expressions

You can install yesn't using pip:

pip install yesnt

To use yesn't, you simply import the library and use the not_ function in place of not. Here's an example of how to negate a boolean expression:

from yesnt import not_

a = True
b = not_(a)

print(b)  # False

You can also negate numerical expressions:

from yesnt import not_

a = 5
b = not_(a > 10)

print(b)  # True

And string expressions:

from yesnt import not_

a = 'yes'
b = not_(a == 'no')

print(b)  # True

You can even negate multiple expressions:

from yesnt import not_

a = True
b = 5
c = 'yes'

result = not_(a or b > 10 or c == 'no')

print(result)  # False

yesn't is a simple, lightweight library that makes it easy to write negations in Python code. By using not_ instead of not, you can write more natural and readable code. It's a great addition to any Python project!