📜  yelp camp (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:35:48.690000             🧑  作者: Mango

Yelp Camp

Yelp Camp is a web application that allows users to view and review campgrounds. This application is built using the MERN stack, which is a combination of the following technologies:

  • MongoDB, a NoSQL database
  • Express, a Node.js framework for building web applications
  • React, a JavaScript library for building user interfaces
  • Node.js, a JavaScript runtime environment for server-side development
  • User authentication and authorization
  • View all campgrounds
  • View individual campground details
  • Add new campground
  • Edit and update campground information
  • Delete campground
  • Add reviews and ratings
  • View all reviews for a campground
  • Edit and delete a review
  • Flash messages to provide user feedback
Getting started

To run Yelp Camp on your local machine, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/your-username/yelp-camp.git
  1. Install dependencies:
$ cd yelp-camp
$ npm install
  1. Start the development server:
$ npm start
API Documentation

Yelp Camp provides a RESTful API for retrieving and manipulating data. Here are the available endpoints:

GET /api/campgrounds

Retrieves all campgrounds.

GET /api/campgrounds/:id

Retrieves a specific campground with the provided ID.

POST /api/campgrounds

Adds a new campground.

PUT /api/campgrounds/:id

Updates an existing campground with the provided ID.

DELETE /api/campgrounds/:id

Deletes the campground with the provided ID.


Overall, Yelp Camp is a full-stack web application built using the MERN stack. It provides features for users to view and review campgrounds, as well as a RESTful API for retrieving and manipulating data. With its user authentication and authorization system, users can log in and securely add, edit, and delete data.

To learn more about how to build a web application like Yelp Camp, check out the official documentation for the MERN stack.