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📜  wann war der dritte weltkrieg - C# (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:21:06.286000             🧑  作者: Mango

Introduction to "Wann war der Dritte Weltkrieg" C# program

This C# program is designed to provide an answer to the question "Wann war der dritte Weltkrieg?" (When was the Third World War?). The program will return a specific date and time when the hypothetical Third World War occurrence.

Program Design

The program design is based on a simple if-else statement that checks if the Third World War has happened yet. If it has, the program returns a specific date and time. If it hasn't, the program returns a message saying that the Third World War hasn't happened yet.

Here is the code snippet that implements this program design:

using System;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        DateTime thirdWorldWarDate = new DateTime(2022, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6);

        if (DateTime.Now > thirdWorldWarDate)
            Console.WriteLine("Der dritte Weltkrieg fand am 6. Juni 2022 um 6:06:06 statt.");
            Console.WriteLine("Der dritte Weltkrieg hat noch nicht stattgefunden.");

Program Output

When executed, the program will return the following output:

Der dritte Weltkrieg hat noch nicht stattgefunden.

Note that this output will change once the current time is after the date and time set in the thirdWorldWarDate variable.


The "Wann war der Dritte Weltkrieg" C# program provides a simple answer to the hypothetical question of when the Third World War occurred. By using a straightforward program design and a single if-else statement, the program returns the specific date and time of the Third World War occurrence or a message saying that it hasn't occurred yet.