📜  jQWidgets jqxDragDrop dragStart 事件(1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:16:53.509000             🧑  作者: Mango

jQWidgets jqxDragDrop dragStart 事件

The dragStart event in jQWidgets jqxDragDrop is fired when the user starts dragging an element. This event allows you to perform certain actions when the element is being dragged, such as changing the cursor to indicate that the element is being moved or setting the opacity of the element.

$(selector).on('dragStart', function(event) {
  // do something
  • event: An event object that contains information about the dragStart event.
Example Usage
  dropTarget: '#dropTarget',
  dragStart: function(event) {
    // Change the cursor to indicate that the element is being moved
    $('body').css('cursor', 'move');
    // Set the opacity of the element to 0.5
    $('#myElement').css('opacity', 0.5);
  dragEnd: function(event) {
    // Restore the cursor to its original state
    $('body').css('cursor', 'auto');
    // Restore the opacity of the element to 1
    $('#myElement').css('opacity', 1);

In this example, we have set up a jQWidgets jqxDragDrop instance for an element with the ID myElement. We have also specified a dropTarget element.

In the dragStart event handler, we change the cursor to indicate that the element is being moved and set the opacity of the element to 0.5. In the dragEnd event handler, we restore the cursor to its original state and restore the opacity of the element to 1.


The dragStart event in jQWidgets jqxDragDrop is useful for performing actions when an element is being dragged. You can change the cursor to indicate that the element is being moved or set the opacity of the element to make it partially transparent. You can also add custom logic to the event handler to perform any other actions needed during the drag operation.