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📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:18:37.164000             🧑  作者: Mango

Polymer Iron

Polymer Iron is a set of web components created by the Polymer team to provide a set of materials to build web applications.


Polymer is a modern JavaScript library created by Google to help developers build web applications with web components. Iron is a collection of web components that provide some essential features in web development.


Polymer Iron components provide a set of features incluing:

  • Accessible elements
  • Form elements
  • Icon buttons
  • Layout elements
  • Navigation elements
  • Media elements
  • Notification components

One of the most popular components in Polymer Iron is the iron-form component that allows developers to create HTML forms that handle submission, validation and serialization of form data.

Icon Buttons

The iron-icon-button web component is an example of a button element that provides an icon as its content.

<iron-icon-button icon="icons:menu"></iron-icon-button>
Notification components

The iron-toast web components provides a way for developers to create notifications that appear at the bottom of the screen. The duration of the notification can be customized, and the component also supports different styles and positions.

<iron-toast position="bottom" duration="3000">Your action has been completed successfully</iron-toast>

Polymer Iron components can be installed via the npm package manager. Simply run the following command in your terminal:

npm install --save @polymer/iron-elements

Polymer Iron provides a set of web components that are essential in building modern web applications. The library is easy to use, and the components are well-designed and accessible, making them ideal for building web applications that are responsive and user-friendly.