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Introduction to Gebran Bassil

Gebran Bassil

Gebran Bassil is a prominent Lebanese politician who has served in numerous high-ranking government positions. He is the founder and leader of the Free Patriotic Movement and has been a member of the Lebanese Parliament since 2005.

Bassil is highly regarded for his work on energy policy, advocating for Lebanon's rights to explore and exploit its natural gas reserves. He has also been involved in efforts to improve infrastructure and economic development in the country.

Early Life and Education

Gebran Bassil was born on January 21, 1970, in the town of Zahlé in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley. He attended the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, where he earned a degree in civil engineering.

Political Career

Bassil's political career began in 1998 when he assisted his father-in-law, Michel Aoun, in his campaign for the presidency of the Republic of Lebanon. After Aoun was exiled in 1991, he returned to Lebanon in 2005 and established the Free Patriotic Movement with Bassil as its leader.

Bassil was appointed Minister of Energy and Water in 2009, a position he held until 2014. During his tenure, he worked tirelessly to develop Lebanon's energy industry, including negotiating contracts with international oil and gas companies.

In 2014, Bassil was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants, a position he held until 2020. During this time, he worked to strengthen Lebanon's relationships with its regional neighbors and expanded the country's diplomatic presence throughout the world.


Despite his many accomplishments, Bassil has been the subject of numerous controversies throughout his career. Critics accuse him of corruption and nepotism, and he has been a frequent target of protests in Lebanon in recent years.

In 2020, Bassil resigned from his position as Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants amid mounting criticism of his performance and allegations of corruption.


Gebran Bassil is a highly influential figure in Lebanese politics, known for his contributions to energy policy and economic development. Despite controversy and criticism, he remains a powerful force in the country's political landscape.

# Introduction to Gebran Bassil

![Gebran Bassil](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/22/Gebran_Bassil%2C_official_2019_portrait.jpg/220px-Gebran_Bassil%2C_official_2019_portrait.jpg)

Gebran Bassil is a prominent Lebanese politician who has served in numerous high-ranking government positions. He is the founder and leader of the Free Patriotic Movement and has been a member of the Lebanese Parliament since 2005. 

Bassil is highly regarded for his work on energy policy, advocating for Lebanon's rights to explore and exploit its natural gas reserves. He has also been involved in efforts to improve infrastructure and economic development in the country.

## Early Life and Education

Gebran Bassil was born on January 21, 1970, in the town of Zahlé in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley. He attended the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, where he earned a degree in civil engineering. 

## Political Career

Bassil's political career began in 1998 when he assisted his father-in-law, Michel Aoun, in his campaign for the presidency of the Republic of Lebanon. After Aoun was exiled in 1991, he returned to Lebanon in 2005 and established the Free Patriotic Movement with Bassil as its leader. 

Bassil was appointed Minister of Energy and Water in 2009, a position he held until 2014. During his tenure, he worked tirelessly to develop Lebanon's energy industry, including negotiating contracts with international oil and gas companies. 

In 2014, Bassil was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants, a position he held until 2020. During this time, he worked to strengthen Lebanon's relationships with its regional neighbors and expanded the country's diplomatic presence throughout the world. 

## Controversies

Despite his many accomplishments, Bassil has been the subject of numerous controversies throughout his career. Critics accuse him of corruption and nepotism, and he has been a frequent target of protests in Lebanon in recent years. 

In 2020, Bassil resigned from his position as Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants amid mounting criticism of his performance and allegations of corruption. 

## Conclusion

Gebran Bassil is a highly influential figure in Lebanese politics, known for his contributions to energy policy and economic development. Despite controversy and criticism, he remains a powerful force in the country's political landscape.