ELM 和 Typescript 的区别
ELM: Elm 是一种纯功能性的基于领域的编程语言,用于前端 Web 开发。它的语法与我们在其他编码语言中所做的不同。没有循环,有很多箭头和三角形。至于我们应该先学习哪种编程语言,Elm 排在第 15 位,TypeScript 排在第 16 位。 Elm 语言保证没有运行时错误,这使它从其他编码语言中脱颖而出。 Elm 是一种基于 Web 的强类型语言。在 Elm 中不创建变量,只创建模型。 Elm 自动将它们存储在内存中。 Elm 更多的是功能开发。然而,人们在学习它时确实会卡住并最终因为它独特的架构而放弃,但一旦你开始了解它,你就会开始享受它。
由于 JavaScript 难以维护,我们必须对其进行重构并且存在可维护性问题,Elm 对此采取了行动。它易于重构,错误更少,并且比 JavaScript 更快。由于 Elm 是一种函数式编程语言,它具有诸如纯函数之类的特性(它将为相似的输入产生相同的输出),不变性使其更快。 Elm 使用虚拟 DOM 和差异。差异意味着获取当前和新的虚拟 DOM 并发现差异。 Elm 使用函数也很容易维护。我们编写函数,然后像乐高积木一样将它们组合在一起,构建一个完整的程序。
TypeScript:它是一种基于 JavaScript 构建的开源编程语言,也称为 JavaScript 的超集。所有有效的 JavaScript 代码也是 TypeScript 代码。你可能会遇到一些错误,但程序仍然在 TypeScript 中运行。 TypeScript 有自己的编译器,称为 TypeScript 编译器或Babel 它将 TypeScript 代码转换为 JavaScript 代码。因此,Typescript 是基于 JavaScript 构建的。 TypeScript 可以保护程序免受小错误的影响,因为编译器会自动捕获它们并节省时间。 TypeScript 的打字系统比 JavaScript 更好。 TypeScript 提供了一种更好的文档记录方式并验证代码是否正常工作。
ELM 与 TypeScript: ELM TypeScript Elm is a purely functional domain-based programming language Typescript is an open-source language. There are no loops and contains lots of arrows and triangles. It contains loops and all valid JavaScript codes are TypeScript codes too. Elm language guarantees no runtime errors. One might get errors in TypeScript. Elm does not have any compiler of its own but one needs JavaScript to execute in the browser. TypeScript has its own compiler called TypeScript compiler or Babel which converts TypeScript code into JavaScript codes. There is no such thing as “any” in ELM language hence coders are forced to write proper and full-fledged codes. No need to write full-fledged codes because type inference grants power and one doesn’t need to write full codes. Elm uses virtual DOM and diffing. TypeScript could use Virtual DOM but doesn’t use diffing. Elm is not a superscript like TypeScript nor it is a JavaScript framework or library. TypeScript is a superscript and easy to refactor code. Elm is an inferred, reactive language that compiles with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to make an interactive GUI front end. We can write TypeScript codes with future JavaScript features without worrying about code being supported in the IDE because we can change it into multiple JavaScript flavors. Elm has beaten React and Angular when it comes to speed. TypeScript has average speed. In Elm no variables are created, just models are created and Elm automatically stores them in the memory. TypeScript protects from all null or undefined objects. No unused parameters or variables that can be stored in a TypeScript language.
Elm 和 TypeScript 各有利弊,但这取决于如何充分利用资源。