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📜  如何计算R中的汉明距离?

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:54:21.815000             🧑  作者: Mango


在本文中,我们将研究在 R 编程语言中计算有害距离的各种方法。

两个数据集合之间的汉明距离是对应元素不同的位置数。换句话说,我们可以说使两个数据集合相同所需的更改次数最少。 R中的汉明距离是相对于向量计算的。

数字向量:数字向量是由整数、小数、双精度等值组成的向量。考虑一个例子,我们有两个数值向量,vect1 = c(1, 3, 4, 5) 和 vect2 = c(1, 3, 9, 5) 因为只有对应的向量的第三个元素不同所以汉明距离是等于一。

在 R 中,我们可以通过以下方法计算两个数值向量之间的汉明距离:

方法一:使用内置 sum()函数计算数值向量的汉明距离

在这种方法中,用户需要调用一个内置的求和函数,我们可以使用它来计算数值向量之间的汉明距离。在内部,此函数计算 vect1 的元素不等于 vect2 的元素的对应位置的数量。



让我们考虑两个数值向量,vect1 = c(10, 2, 3, 7, 8, 12) 和 vect2 = c(10, 2, 1, 2, 0, 24)。显然,对应的第三、第四、第五和第六要素是不同的。因此,汉明距离等于 4。

# Swift program to illustrate the working 
# of sum function to compute Hamming distance 
# between numeric vectors
# Initializing a vector of integers
vect1 <- c(10, 2, 3, 7, 8, 12)
# Initializing another vector of Qintegers
vect2 <- c(10, 2, 1, 2, 0, 24)
# Hamming distance
HammingDistance = sum(vect1 != vect2) 
# Print Hamming distance
print(paste("Hamming distance between vect1 and vect2 \
is equal to", HammingDistance))

# Swift program to illustrate the working of 
# sum function to compute Hamming distance 
# between numeric vectors
# Function to compute Hamming Distance
computeHammingDistance <- function(vect1, vect2) {
  # Initialize answer as 0
  # It calculates our Hamming distance
  answer <- 0
  # Iterate over the length of the vector
  for (index in 1:length(vect1)) {
    # If vect1[index] is not equal to vect2[index]
    if (vect1[index] != vect2[index]){
      # Update answer variable
      # Increment the count
      answer = answer + 1
  # Return the calculated distance
  return (answer)
# Initializing a vector
vect1 <- c(11, 7, 3, 2, 8, 12)
# Initializing another vector
vect2 <- c(8, 7, 3, 2, 8, 24)
# Call computeHammingDistance function
HammingDistance = computeHammingDistance(vect1, vect2)
# Print Hamming Distance
print(paste("Hamming distance between vect1 and vect2\
is equal to", HammingDistance))

# Swift program to illustrate the working of 
# sum function to compute Hamming distance 
# between binary vectors
# Initializing a binary vector
vect1 <- c(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1)
# Initializing another binary vector
vect2 <- c(1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1)
# Hamming distance
HammingDistance = sum(vect1 != vect2) 
# Print Hamming distance
print(paste("Hamming distance between vect1 and vect2 \
is equal to", HammingDistance))

# Swift program to illustrate the working of 
# sum function to compute Hamming distance 
# between binary vectors
# Function to compute Hamming Distance
computeHammingDistance <- function(vect1, vect2) {
    # Initialize answer as 0
    # It calculates our Hamming distance
    answer <- 0
    # Iterate over the length of the vector
    for (index in 1:length(vect1)) {
       # If vect1[index] is not equal to vect2[index]
       if (vect1[index] != vect2[index]){
           # Update answer variable
           # Increment the count
           answer = answer + 1
    # Return the calculated distance
    return (answer)
# Initializing a binary vector
vect1 <- c(0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
# Initializing another binary vector
vect2 <- c(1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1)
# Call computeHammingDistance function
HammingDistance = computeHammingDistance(vect1, vect2)
# Print Hamming Distance
print(paste("Hamming distance between vect1 and vect2 \
is equal to", HammingDistance))

# Swift program to illustrate the working of
# sum function to compute Hamming distance
# between string vectors
# Initializing a string vector
vect1 <- c("GeeksforGeeks", "Java", "Python", "C++",
           "R", "Swift", "PHP")
# Initializing another string vector
vect2 <- c("Geeks", "Java", "C++", "R", "Python",
           "Swift", "C#")
# Hamming distance
HammingDistance = sum(vect1 != vect2) 
# Print Hamming distance
print(paste("Hamming distance between vect1 and vect2 is\
equal to", HammingDistance))

# Swift program to illustrate the working of 
# sum function to compute Hamming distance
# between string vectors
# Function to compute Hamming Distance
computeHammingDistance <- function(vect1, vect2) {
    # Initialize answer as 0
    # It calculates our Hamming distance
    answer <- 0
    # Iterate over the length of the vector
    for (index in 1:length(vect1)) {
       # If vect1[index] is not equal to vect2[index]
       if (vect1[index] != vect2[index]){
           # Update answer variable
           # Increment the count
           answer = answer + 1
    # Return the calculated distance
    return (answer)
# Initializing a string vector
vect1 <- c("GeeksforGeeks", "Java", "C#", "C++", "R", "PHP", "Swift")
# Initializing another string vector
vect2 <- c("GeeksforGeeks", "Python", "C", "R", "Python", "Swift", "C#")
# Call computeHammingDistance function
HammingDistance = computeHammingDistance(vect1, vect2)
# Print Hamming Distance
print(paste("Hamming distance between vect1 and vect2 is equal to", HammingDistance))


[1] "Hamming distance between vect1 and vect2 is equal to 4"



  • 定义一个计算机HammingDistance函数。它接受两个向量作为参数,vect1 和 vect2。
  • 将变量 answer 初始化为 0,它计算最终答案。
  • 现在使用 for-in 循环遍历 vect1 或 vect2 的长度。如果 vect1[index] 等于 vect2[index] 则将 answer 变量加一。
  • 迭代结束后,从函数返回答案变量。
  • 初始化一个变量 HammingDistance 并将函数返回的值赋给它。
  • 打印由 HammingDistance 变量表示的值。


让我们考虑两个数值向量,vect1 = c(11, 7, 3, 2, 8, 12) 和 vect2 = c(8, 7, 3, 2, 8, 24)。显然,对应的第一个和最后一个元素是不同的。因此,汉明距离等于二。


# Swift program to illustrate the working of 
# sum function to compute Hamming distance 
# between numeric vectors
# Function to compute Hamming Distance
computeHammingDistance <- function(vect1, vect2) {
  # Initialize answer as 0
  # It calculates our Hamming distance
  answer <- 0
  # Iterate over the length of the vector
  for (index in 1:length(vect1)) {
    # If vect1[index] is not equal to vect2[index]
    if (vect1[index] != vect2[index]){
      # Update answer variable
      # Increment the count
      answer = answer + 1
  # Return the calculated distance
  return (answer)
# Initializing a vector
vect1 <- c(11, 7, 3, 2, 8, 12)
# Initializing another vector
vect2 <- c(8, 7, 3, 2, 8, 24)
# Call computeHammingDistance function
HammingDistance = computeHammingDistance(vect1, vect2)
# Print Hamming Distance
print(paste("Hamming distance between vect1 and vect2\
is equal to", HammingDistance))


[1] "Hamming distance between vect1 and vect2 is equal to 2"

方法 3:使用内置 sum()函数计算二进制向量的汉明距离

在这种方法中,用户需要调用一个内置的 sum函数,我们可以使用它来计算两个二进制向量之间的汉明距离。

二进制向量:二进制向量是由只有两个逻辑值 0 或 1 的值组成的向量。考虑一个例子,我们给出了两个二进制向量,vect1 = c(1, 0, 1, 0) 和 vect2 = c( 1、1、1、1)。由于只有向量的相应第二个和第四个元素不同,因此汉明距离等于 2。


在内部,此函数计算 vect1 的元素不等于 vect2 的元素的对应位置的数量。


让我们考虑两个二进制向量,vect1 = c(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1) 和 vect2 = c(1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1)。显然,对应的第一、第四和第五元素是不同的。因此,汉明距离等于三。


# Swift program to illustrate the working of 
# sum function to compute Hamming distance 
# between binary vectors
# Initializing a binary vector
vect1 <- c(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1)
# Initializing another binary vector
vect2 <- c(1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1)
# Hamming distance
HammingDistance = sum(vect1 != vect2) 
# Print Hamming distance
print(paste("Hamming distance between vect1 and vect2 \
is equal to", HammingDistance))


[1] "Hamming distance between vect1 and vect2 is equal to 3"


在这种方法中,用户必须遵循与上面方法 2 相同的方法,只需将向量类型更改为 R 编程语言中的二进制。


让我们考虑两个二进制向量,vect1 = c(0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1) 和 vect2 = c(1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1)。显然,对应的第一和第四元素是不同的。因此,汉明距离等于二。


# Swift program to illustrate the working of 
# sum function to compute Hamming distance 
# between binary vectors
# Function to compute Hamming Distance
computeHammingDistance <- function(vect1, vect2) {
    # Initialize answer as 0
    # It calculates our Hamming distance
    answer <- 0
    # Iterate over the length of the vector
    for (index in 1:length(vect1)) {
       # If vect1[index] is not equal to vect2[index]
       if (vect1[index] != vect2[index]){
           # Update answer variable
           # Increment the count
           answer = answer + 1
    # Return the calculated distance
    return (answer)
# Initializing a binary vector
vect1 <- c(0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
# Initializing another binary vector
vect2 <- c(1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1)
# Call computeHammingDistance function
HammingDistance = computeHammingDistance(vect1, vect2)
# Print Hamming Distance
print(paste("Hamming distance between vect1 and vect2 \
is equal to", HammingDistance))


[1] "Hamming distance between vect1 and vect2 is equal to 2"


在这种方法下,用户必须通过将向量类型更改为字符串来应用与上面方法 1 和方法 3 中所示相同的方法。

字符串向量:字符串向量是由多个字符串组成的向量。考虑一个例子,给定两个数值向量,vect1 = c(“GeeksforGeeks”, “R”, “C++”, “Java”) 和 vect2 = c(“Geeks”, “R”, “C”, “Java” ) 因为只有对应的向量的第一个和第三个元素不同,因此汉明距离等于 2。


sum(vect1 != vect2)


让我们考虑两个字符串向量,vect1 = c(“GeeksforGeeks”, “Java”, “Python”, “C++”, “R”, “Swift”, “PHP”) 和 vect2 = c(“Geeks”, “Java”、“C++”、“R”、“Python”、“Swift”、“C#”)。显然,对应的第一、第三、第四、第五和第七元素是不同的。因此,汉明距离等于五。


# Swift program to illustrate the working of
# sum function to compute Hamming distance
# between string vectors
# Initializing a string vector
vect1 <- c("GeeksforGeeks", "Java", "Python", "C++",
           "R", "Swift", "PHP")
# Initializing another string vector
vect2 <- c("Geeks", "Java", "C++", "R", "Python",
           "Swift", "C#")
# Hamming distance
HammingDistance = sum(vect1 != vect2) 
# Print Hamming distance
print(paste("Hamming distance between vect1 and vect2 is\
equal to", HammingDistance))


[1] "Hamming distance between vect1 and vect2 is equal to 5"


在此方法中,用户必须遵循与上面方法 2 和方法 4 中所示相同的方法,只需将向量类型更改为 R 编程语言中的字符串。


让我们考虑两个字符串向量,vect1 = c(“GeeksforGeeks”, “Java”, “C#”, “C++”, “R”, “PHP”, “Swift”) 和 vect2 = c(“GeeksforGeeks”, “Python”、“C”、“R”、“Python”、“Swift”、“C#”)。显然,对应的第二、第三、第四、第五、第六和第七元素是不同的。因此,汉明距离等于六。


# Swift program to illustrate the working of 
# sum function to compute Hamming distance
# between string vectors
# Function to compute Hamming Distance
computeHammingDistance <- function(vect1, vect2) {
    # Initialize answer as 0
    # It calculates our Hamming distance
    answer <- 0
    # Iterate over the length of the vector
    for (index in 1:length(vect1)) {
       # If vect1[index] is not equal to vect2[index]
       if (vect1[index] != vect2[index]){
           # Update answer variable
           # Increment the count
           answer = answer + 1
    # Return the calculated distance
    return (answer)
# Initializing a string vector
vect1 <- c("GeeksforGeeks", "Java", "C#", "C++", "R", "PHP", "Swift")
# Initializing another string vector
vect2 <- c("GeeksforGeeks", "Python", "C", "R", "Python", "Swift", "C#")
# Call computeHammingDistance function
HammingDistance = computeHammingDistance(vect1, vect2)
# Print Hamming Distance
print(paste("Hamming distance between vect1 and vect2 is equal to", HammingDistance))


[1] "Hamming distance between vect1 and vect2 is equal to 6"