📜  最小化对给定 Array 的相邻元素执行的算术运算以减少它

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:56:06.936000             🧑  作者: Mango

最小化对给定 Array 的相邻元素执行的算术运算以减少它

给定一个数组arr[] ,任务是按顺序对arr[]执行算术运算(+、-、*、/) 。对相邻元素执行这些操作,直到数组大小减小到1 。最后,返回减少的值和所需的操作数。请参阅示例以获得更清晰的信息。


方法:由于在这个问题中,我们必须根据顺序执行运算,例如先加法然后减法,然后乘法然后除法,因此我们可以使用 Switch case 来解决这个问题。

初始化一个字典,其中运算符(+、-、*、/)作为键,0 作为值。使用函数add、sub、muldiv,将对数组执行操作。它具有 as函数Operation,它根据c%4的值将数组映射到函数并返回缩减后的数组。其中c跟踪执行的操作数。字典跟踪执行的每个操作,直到数组大小减少到1

第 1 步:将c赋值为1并声明字典d

  • 步骤 2:如果c%4==1则使用 Operation 函数对连续元素执行加法运算。
  • 第 3 步:如果c%4==2则使用运算函数对连续元素执行减法运算。
  • 第 4 步:如果c%4==3则使用 Operation 函数对连续元素执行乘法运算。
  • 步骤 5:如果c%4==0则使用 Operation 函数对连续元素执行除法运算。
  • 第 6 步:将重复第2步,直到数组的大小等于1
  • 步骤 7: d用于跟踪执行的每个操作。


# Function for adding consecutive element
def add(a):
    return [a[i]+a[i + 1] for i in range(len(a)-1)]
# Function for subtracting consecutive element
def sub(a):
    return [a[i] - a[i + 1] for i in range(len(a)- 1)]
# Function for multiplication of consecutive element
def mul(a):
    return [a[i] * a[i + 1] for i in range(len(a) - 1)]
# Function for division of consecutive element
def div(a):
    return [0 if a[i] == 0 or a[i + 1] == 0 \
            else a[i]//a[i + 1] \
                 for i in range(len(a) - 1)]
# Operation function which maps array
# to corresponding function
# based on value of i.
def Operation(i, A):
    switcher = {
        1: add,
        2: sub,
        3: mul,
        0: div
    func = switcher.get(i, lambda: 'Invalid')
    return func(A)
# Driver Code
c = 1
# dictionary value which keep track
# of no of operation of each operator.
d = {'+':0, '-':0, '*':0, '/':0 }
arr =[5, -2, -1, 2, 1, 4, 5]
# loop till size of array become equal to 1.
while len(arr)!= 1:
    x = c % 4
    # After each operation value
    # in dictionary value is incremented
    # also reduced array
    # is assigned to original array.
    if x == 1:
        d['+'] += 1
        arr = Operation(x, arr)
    elif x == 2:
        d['-'] += 1
        arr = Operation(x, arr)
    elif x == 3:
        d['*'] += 1
        arr = Operation(x, arr)
    elif x == 0:
        d['/'] += 1
        arr = Operation(x, arr)
    c += 1
# Printing reduced value
print("Reduced value:", *arr)
# Printing value of each operation
# performed to reduce size of array to 1.
print("Operations Performed:")
for i in d.keys():
    print(str(i) + " : " +str(d[i]))

Reduced value: -3
Operations Performed:
+ : 2
- : 2
* : 1
/ : 1

时间复杂度: O(N)
辅助空间: O(N)