格式说明符以百分号字符(%) 开头,以“类型字符, ”结尾,表示将转换为表示数据的基本方式的数据类型(int、float 等)(十进制、十六进制等)
% [flags] [width] [.precision] [argsize] typechar
Formatter 类的format()方法接受多种格式说明符。当使用大写说明符时,字母以大写形式显示。否则,大写和小写说明符执行相同的转换。
Format Specifier | Conversion Applied |
%% | Inserts a % sign |
%x %X | Integer hexadecimal |
%t %T | Time and Date |
%s %S | String |
%n | Inserts a newline character |
%o | Octal integer |
%f | Decimal floating-point |
%e %E | Scientific notation |
%g | Causes Formatter to use either %f or %e, whichever is shorter |
%h %H | Hash code of the argument |
%d | Decimal integer |
%c | Character |
%b %B | Boolean |
%a %A | Floating-point hexadecimal |
- 空格格式说明符:在创建数字列时,有时在正数之前打印一个空格以使正数和负数对齐非常有用。为此,可以使用空格格式说明符。
Formatter().format("% d", -111); Formatter().format("% d", 111); Output: -111 111
// Java program to demonstrate // the space format specifier import java.util.*; class GFG { public static void main(String args[]) { // create Formatter class object Formatter formatter = new Formatter(); // Use Space format specifier formatter.format("%d", -111); System.out.println(formatter); formatter = new Formatter(); formatter.format("% d", 111); System.out.println(formatter); formatter = new Formatter(); formatter.format("% d", -222); System.out.println(formatter); formatter = new Formatter(); formatter.format("% d", 222); System.out.println(formatter); } }
输出:-111 111 -222 222
- + 符号说明符:在正数值前添加 + 号,对负数值没有影响。
Formatter().format("%+d", 111); Output: +111
// Java program to demonstrate // the + sign Specifier format specifiers. import java.util.*; class GFG { public static void main(String args[]) { // create Formatter class object Formatter formatter = new Formatter(); // + sign specifier formatter = new Formatter(); formatter.format("%+d", 111); System.out.println(formatter); // + sign specifier // on - sign, it will have no effect formatter = new Formatter(); formatter.format("%+d", -111); System.out.println(formatter); } }
输出:+111 -111
- ( 说明符:此说明符将负数值放在括号内,对正数值没有影响。
Formatter().format("%(d", -111); Formatter().format("%(d", 111); Output: (111) 111
// Java program to demonstrate // the ( Specifiers format specifiers. import java.util.*; class GFG { public static void main(String args[]) { // create Formatter class object Formatter formatter = new Formatter(); // ( Specifier formatter = new Formatter(); formatter.format("%(d", -111); System.out.println(formatter); formatter = new Formatter(); formatter.format("%(d", 111); System.out.println(formatter); } }
输出:(111) 111
- Comma, Specifier:为了显示大数字,通常使用逗号 (, ) 添加分组分隔符很有用。例如,当格式化为 1、000、000 时,值 1000000 更容易阅读。要添加分组说明符 (, ),请使用逗号 (, ) 说明符。
Formatter().format("%, d", 1000000); Output: 1, 000, 000
// Java program to demonstrate // the comma format specifiers. import java.util.*; public class GFG { public static void main(String args[]) { // create Formatter class object Formatter formatter = new Formatter(); // comma Specifier formatter = new Formatter(); formatter.format("%, d", 1000000); System.out.println(formatter); // comma Specifier formatter = new Formatter(); formatter.format("%, .3f", 32659526566.4521); System.out.println(formatter); } }
输出:1, 000, 000 32, 659, 526, 566.452
- 左对齐(-)说明符:默认情况下,所有输出都右移。也就是说,如果字段宽度比打印的数据长,数据将放置在字段的右侧。可以通过在 % 之后直接放置一个减号来强制输出左对齐。例如,%-20.4f 左对齐在 20 个字符的字段中具有两位小数的浮点数。
Formatter().format("|%-20.4f|", 1234.1234); Output: | 1234.1234| |1234.1234 |
// Java program to demonstrate // the left justification format specifiers. import java.util.*; class GFG { public static void main(String args[]) { // create Formatter class object Formatter formatter = new Formatter(); // right justify by default formatter = new Formatter(); formatter.format("|%20.4f|", 1234.1234); System.out.println(formatter); // left justify formatter = new Formatter(); formatter.format("|%-20.4f|", 1234.1234); System.out.println(formatter); } }
输出:| 1234.1234| |1234.1234 |
- %n 格式说明符:
%n格式说明符与其他格式说明符不同,它不带参数。它只是一个在输出中插入一个字符的转义序列。 %n 插入一个换行符。它不能直接输入到格式字符串中。// Java program to demonstrate // the newline %n format specifiers. import java.util.*; public class GFG { public static void main(String args[]) { // create Formatter class object Formatter formatter = new Formatter(); // newline format specifier formatter.format("Geeks %nFor %nGeeks"); // Print the output System.out.println(formatter); } }
输出:Geeks For Geeks
- %% 格式说明符:
%%格式说明符与其他格式说明符的不同之处在于它不带参数。它只是一个在输出中插入一个字符的转义序列。 %% 插入一个 % 符号。它不能直接输入到格式字符串中。// Java program to demonstrate // the %% format specifiers. import java.util.*; public class GFG { public static void main(String args[]) { // create Formatter class object Formatter formatter = new Formatter(); // %% format specifier formatter.format("10 %% 4 = 2"); // Print the output System.out.println(formatter); } }
输出:10 % 4 = 2
- %x %X 格式说明符:
%x 或 %X格式说明符用于表示整数十六进制值。 %x 用小写字母显示十六进制值,而 %X 说明符用大写字母显示十六进制值。// Java program to demonstrate // the integer-Hexadecimal %x and %X // format specifiers. import java.util.*; public class GFG { public static void main(String args[]) { // create Formatter class object Formatter formatter = new Formatter(); // %x format specifier // It prints the number in Hexadecimal // with lowercase alphabets formatter.format("%x", 250); // Print the output System.out.println("LowerCase Hexadecimal" + " using %x: " + formatter); // %X format specifier // It prints the number in Hexadecimal // with uppercase alphabets formatter = new Formatter(); formatter.format("%X", 250); // Print the output System.out.println("UpperCase Hexadecimal" + " using %X: " + formatter); } }
输出:LowerCase Hexadecimal using %x: fa UpperCase Hexadecimal using %X: FA
- %e %E 格式说明符:
%e 或 %E格式说明符用于表示值的科学记数法。 %e 用小写字母显示科学记数法,而 %E 说明符用大写字母显示科学记数法。// Java program to demonstrate // the Scientific Notation %e and %E // format specifiers. import java.util.*; public class GFG { public static void main(String args[]) { // create Formatter class object Formatter formatter = new Formatter(); // %e format specifier // It prints the number in Scientific Notation // with lowercase alphabets formatter.format("%e", 123.1234); // Print the output System.out.println("LowerCase Scientific Notation" + " using %e: " + formatter); // %E format specifier // It prints the number in Scientific Notation // with uppercase alphabets formatter = new Formatter(); formatter.format("%E", 123.1234); // Print the output System.out.println("UpperCase Scientific Notation" + " using %E: " + formatter); } }
输出:LowerCase Scientific Notation using %e: 1.231234e+02 UpperCase Scientific Notation using %E: 1.231234E+02
- 精确格式
精度说明符可应用于%f、%e、%g 和 %s格式说明符。// Java program to demonstrate // Prrecision Format specifiers import java.util.Formatter; public class GFG { public static void main(String args[]) { // Create the Formatter instance Formatter formatter = new Formatter(); // added floating-point data // using the %f or %e specifiers, // Format to 2 decimal places // in a 16 character field. formatter = new Formatter(); formatter.format("%16.2e", 123.1234567); System.out.println("Scientific notation to 2 places: " + formatter); // Format 4 decimal places. formatter = new Formatter(); formatter.format("%.4f", 123.1234567); System.out.println("Decimal floating-point" + " notation to 4 places: " + formatter); // Format 4 places. // The %g format specifier causes Formatter // to use either %f or %e, whichever is shorter formatter = new Formatter(); formatter.format("%.4g", 123.1234567); System.out.println("Scientific or Decimal floating-point " + "notation to 4 places: " + formatter); // Display at most 15 characters in a string. formatter = new Formatter(); formatter.format("%.15s", "12345678901234567890"); System.out.println("String notation to 15 places: " + formatter); // Format into 10 digit formatter = new Formatter(); formatter.format("%010d", 88); System.out.println("value in 10 digits: " + formatter); } }
输出:Scientific notation to 2 places: 1.23e+02 Decimal floating-point notation to 4 places: 123.1235 Scientific or Decimal floating-point notation to 4 places: 123.1 String notation to 15 places: 123456789012345 value in 10 digits: 0000000088
相关文章: C 中的格式说明符