📌  相关文章
📜  查找可以使用给定数字的位数形成的最大数字

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-07 01:30:52             🧑  作者: Mango



Input : 38293367
Output : 98763332

Input : 1203465
Output: 6543210

时间复杂度:O(N log N),其中N是给定数字中的位数。



// CPP program to print the maximum number
// from the set of digits of a given number
using namespace std;
// Function to print the maximum number
int printMaxNum(int num)
    // hashed array to store count of digits
    int count[10] = {0};
    // Converting given number to string
    string str = to_string(num);
    // Updating the count array
    for (int i=0; i 0)
            result = result + (i * multiplier);
            multiplier = multiplier * 10;
    // return the result
    return result;
// Driver program to test above function
int main()
    int num = 38293367;
    cout << printMaxNum(num);
    return 0;

// Java program to print the maximum number
// from the set of digits of a given number
public class GFG
    // Function to print the maximum number
    static int printMaxNum(int num)
        // hashed array to store count of digits
        int count[] = new int[10];
        // Converting given number to string
        String str = Integer.toString(num);
        // Updating the count array
        for(int i=0; i < str.length(); i++)
        // result is to store the final number
        int result = 0, multiplier = 1;
        // Traversing the count array
        // to calculate the maximum number
        for (int i = 0; i <= 9; i++)
            while (count[i] > 0)
                result = result + (i * multiplier);
                multiplier = multiplier * 10;
        // return the result
        return result;
    // Driver program to test above function
    public static void main(String[] args) 
        int num = 38293367;
// This code is contributed by Sumit Ghosh

# Python program to print the maximum number
# from the set of digits of a given number
# Function to print maximum number
def printMaximum(inum):
    # Hashed array to store count of digits
    count = [0 for x in range(10)]
    # Connverting given number to string
    string = str(num)
    # Updating the count array
    for i in range(len(string)):
        count[int(string[i])] = count[int(string[i])] +  1
    # Result stores final number
    result = 0
    multiplier = 1
    # traversing the count array
    # to calculate the maximum number
    for i in range(10):
        while count[i] > 0:
            result = result + ( i * multiplier )
            count[i] = count[i] - 1
            multiplier = multiplier * 10
    # return the result
    return result
# Driver code
num = 38293367
print printMaximum(num)
# This code is contributed by Harshit Agrawal

// C# program to print the maximum number
// from the set of digits of a given number
using System;
class GFG 
// Function to print the maximum number
static int printMaxNum(int num)
    // hashed array to store 
    // count of digits
    int []count = new int[10];
    // Converting given number 
    // to string
    String str = num.ToString();
    // Updating the count array
    for(int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++)
        count[str[i] - '0']++;
    // result is to store the 
    // final number
    int result = 0, multiplier = 1;
    // Traversing the count array
    // to calculate the maximum number
    for (int i = 0; i <= 9; i++)
        while (count[i] > 0)
            result = result + (i * multiplier);
            multiplier = multiplier * 10;
    // return the result
    return result;
// Driver Code
public static void Main() 
    int num = 38293367;
// This code is contributed 
// by PrinciRaj1992

            $result = $result + ($i * $multiplier);
            $multiplier = $multiplier * 10;
    // return the result
    return $result;
// Driver program to test above function
    $num = 38293367;
    echo printMaxNum($num);



时间复杂度: O(N),其中N是给定数字中的位数。