📜  Angular和Aurelia之间的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-13 19:21:46             🧑  作者: Mango


Angular: Angular是Google在2016年引入和开发的框架。它是由Google成立的一个社区发起的,该社区最初是个人开发人员。 Angular支持基于组件的浏览,其中将网页视为组件,它提供了更好的速度和性能。该框架从更广泛的意义上介绍了单页开发。角度社区有很多用户基础,并且非常可靠,因为某些应用程序(例如Gmail)是在此框架上开发的。

  • 它支持多种平台,例如桌面应用程序,Web应用程序和本机应用程序。
  • 提供必要的路由速度并自动加载音译代码。
  • 它基于并且在开发应用程序时使用MVC(模型视图控制器)体系结构。
  • 帮助在开发的软件中执行单元测试。

Aurelia: Aurelia是由Rob Eisenberg开发并得到Durandal Inc.支持的框架。它能够开发强大的应用程序,例如移动和桌面应用程序。这支持该应用程序丰富的用户体验,并提供带有支持插件的动态UI。它在开发应用程序时提供了诸如依赖项注入,发布-订阅模型之类的功能,因为它减轻了对库依赖项的压力。 Aurelia具有庞大的社区基础,因为它是一个开源框架,因此提供了多种帮助。

  • Aurelia框架支持单页应用程序开发。
  • 它支持多种转换语言,例如CoffeeScript,TypeScript和AtScrpit。
  • 提供语法中数据类型的出价。
  • 该框架没有进一步的依赖关系,因为它依赖于Polyfills wen的开发。


S.No. Angular Aurelia
1. The Angular framework is developed by Google. The Aurelia framework is developed by Rob Eisenberg.
2 It is licensed by Google and MIT. It is licensed by MIT.
3 It is a TypeScript based framework. It is a framework that supports multiple transpile scripts.
4 Data binding is difficult in angular as it does not provide type in this. Supports data binding and is easy as compared with Angular.
5 It supports the development of a single-page web application with rich web support. It supports the development of a single-page web application with dynamic support.
6. Integration is easy as it provides suitable options for being a Google product. Plugins are supported as data integration is possible.
7. As being a product of Google many application is built on this and many versions are fetched out into the market. It is tremendously being accepted for mobile and web desktop applications.
8. Has a huge community of developers. Has a smaller community as compared to angular.