给定数字n和值k。从右边,在n的二进制表示形式中设置第k位。 LSB(或最后一位)的位置为0,倒数第二位为1,依此类推。同样,0 <= k
Input : n = 10, k = 2
Output : 14
(10)10 = (1010)2
Now, set the 2nd bit from right.
(14)10 = (1110)2
2nd bit has been set.
Input : n = 15, k = 3
Output : 15
3rd bit of 15 is already set.
要设置任何位,我们使用按位“或” |运算符。我们已经知道按位OR |运算符评估结果为1的每个比特,如果任何操作数的相应位被置(1)。为了设置数字的第k位,我们需要向左移动1 k次,然后对数字进行按位或运算,并在此之前执行左移结果。
In general, (1 << k) | n.
// C++ implementation to set the kth bit
// of the given number
using namespace std;
// function to set the kth bit
int setKthBit(int n, int k)
// kth bit of n is being set by this operation
return ((1 << k) | n);
// Driver program to test above
int main()
int n = 10, k = 2;
cout << "Kth bit set number = "
<< setKthBit(n, k);
return 0;
// Java implementation to set the kth bit
// of the given number
class GFG {
// function to set the kth bit
static int setKthBit(int n, int k)
// kth bit of n is being set by this operation
return ((1 << k) | n);
// Driver code
public static void main(String arg[])
int n = 10, k = 2;
System.out.print("Kth bit set number = " +
setKthBit(n, k));
// This code is contributed by Anant Agarwal.
# Python implementation
# to set the kth bit
# of the given number
# function to set
# the kth bit
def setKthBit(n,k):
# kth bit of n is being
# set by this operation
return ((1 << k) | n)
# Driver code
n = 10
k = 2
print("Kth bit set number = ",
setKthBit(n, k))
# This code is contributed
# by Anant Agarwal.
// C# implementation to set the
// kth bit of the given number
using System;
class GFG {
// function to set the kth bit
static int setKthBit(int n, int k)
// kth bit of n is being set
// by this operation
return ((1 << k) | n);
// Driver code
public static void Main()
int n = 10, k = 2;
Console.Write("Kth bit set number = "
+ setKthBit(n, k));
// This code is contributed by
// Smitha Dinesh Semwal.
Kth bit set number = 14