📜  C中的pieslice()函数

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-26 02:42:00             🧑  作者: Mango


句法 :

void pieslice(int x, int y, int s_angle, 
                    int e_angle, int r);

(x, y) is center of the circle.
r is the radius of the circle.
s_angle and e_angle are the starting 
and ending angles respectively.

例子 :

输入:x = 300,y = 300,s_angle = 0,e_angle = 120,r = 150输出: 输入:x = 300,y = 300,s_angle = 30,e_angle = 100,r = 200输出:


// C Implementation for drawing pieslice
// driver code
int main()
    // gm is Graphics mode which 
    // is a computer display mode 
    // that generates image using pixels.
    // DETECT is a macro defined in
    // "graphics.h" header file
    int gd = DETECT, gm;
    // initgraph initializes the 
    // graphics system by loading a 
    // graphics driver from disk
    initgraph(&gd, &gm, "");
    // pieslice function
    pieslice(300, 300, 0, 120, 150);
    // closegraph function closes the 
    // graphics mode and deallocates all 
    // memory allocated by graphics system .
    return 0;

输出 :
