📜  查找机器的所有兼容边缘和不兼容边缘

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-28 04:46:29             🧑  作者: Mango

给定一台机器,其形式为N状态和M对输出组合,形式为2D数组arr [] []arr [] []的每一行(例如r )表示从‘A’到’Z’的节点,每一列对(例如(a,b) )表示节点r到节点a的通孔状态变化b 。任务是找到形式语言的兼容和不兼容边缘。
注意: Edge(A,B)被认为是兼容的,因为所有下一状态和输出在与每一列相对应的A,B中相等或未指定。


  1. 对于节点的所有可能组合(例如(a,b) ),检查形式语言中是否存在通过任何数量的状态的任何可能路径,例如:
    • 如果通过节点a的状态为,则检查下一对节点。
    • 如果通过节点a的当前遍历状态(例如,节点b )不为空,并且如果从节点a到节点b的输出状态不相同,则递归检查从节点a到节点b的路径。
    • 如果输出状态相同,则它在Node a和Node b之间具有直接边缘。
  2. 如果在任意一对节点之间找到路径,则该对节点是兼容节点的一部分。
  3. 将以上一对兼容节点存储在矩阵Mat [] []中
  4. 遍历所有可能的对的Mat [] [],如果Mat [] []中存在该对,则将其打印为兼容节点,否则它不是兼容节点。


// C++ implementation of the above approach
using namespace std;
const int M = 8;
// Function to find the compatible and
// non-compatible for a given formal language
void findEdges(char arr[][M], int n, int m)
    // To store the compatible edges
    char mat[1000][1000] = { 'x' };
    // Loop over every pair of nodes in the
    // given formal language
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++) {
            // Traverse through the output
            // column and compare it between
            // each set of pairs of nodes
            for (int k = 0; k < 2 * m; k += 2) {
                // If the the output is not
                // specified then leave the
                // edge unprocessed
                if (arr[i][k + 1] == '-'
                    || arr[j][k + 1] == '-') {
                // If the output of states
                // doesn't match then not
                // compatable.
                if (arr[i][k + 1] != arr[j][k + 1]) {
                    // Mark the not compatable
                    // edges in the maxtrix with
                    // character 'v'
                    mat[i][j] = 'v';
                    mat[j][i] = 'v';
    int nn = n;
    // Loop over all node to find other non
    // compatable edges
    while (nn--) {
        // Loop over every pair of nodes in
        // the given formal language
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++) {
                int k;
                for (k = 0; k < m; k += 2) {
                    // If the the output is
                    // not specified then
                    // leave edge unprocessed
                    if (arr[i][k + 1] == '-'
                        || arr[j][k + 1] == '-') {
                    // If output is not equal
                    // then break as non-compatable
                    if (arr[i][k + 1] != arr[j][k + 1]) {
                if (k < m) {
                for (k = 0; k < m; k += 2) {
                    // If next states are unspecified
                    // then continue
                    if (arr[i][k] == '-'
                        || arr[j][k] == '-') {
                    // If the states are not equal
                    if (arr[i][k] != arr[j][k]) {
                        int x = arr[i][k] - 'A';
                        int y = arr[j][k] - 'A';
                        // If the dependent edge
                        // is not compatable then
                        // this edge is also not
                        // compatable
                        if (mat[x][y] == 'v') {
                            mat[i][j] = 'v';
                            mat[j][i] = 'v';
    // Output all Non-compatable Edges
    printf("Not Compatable Edges \n");
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++) {
            if (mat[i][j] == 'v') {
                printf("(%c, %c) ", i + 65, j + 65);
    // Output all Compatable Edges
    printf("Compatable Edges \n");
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++) {
            if (mat[i][j] != 'v') {
                printf("(%c, %c)", i + 65, j + 65);
// Driver Code
int main()
    int n = 6, m = 4;
    char arr[][8] = { { '-', '-', 'C', '1', 'E', '1', 'B', '1' },
                      { 'E', '0', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-' },
                      { 'F', '0', 'F', '1', '-', '-', '-', '-' },
                      { '-', '-', '-', '-', 'B', '1', '-', '-' },
                      { '-', '-', 'F', '0', 'A', '0', 'D', '1' },
                      { 'C', '0', '-', '-', 'B', '0', 'C', '1' } };
    findEdges(arr, n, m);
    return 0;

// Java implementation of the above approach
import java.util.*;
class GFG{
static int M = 8;
// Function to find the compatible and
// non-compatible for a given formal language
static void findEdges(char arr[][], int n, int m)
    // To store the compatible edges
    char [][]mat = new char[1000][1000];
    // Loop over every pair of nodes in the
    // given formal language
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        for(int j = i + 1; j < n; j++)
            // Traverse through the output
            // column and compare it between
            // each set of pairs of nodes
            for(int k = 0; k < 2 * m; k += 2)
                // If the the output is not
                // specified then leave the
                // edge unprocessed
                if (arr[i][k + 1] == '-' ||
                    arr[j][k + 1] == '-')
                // If the output of states
                // doesn't match then not
                // compatable.
                if (arr[i][k + 1] != arr[j][k + 1])
                    // Mark the not compatable
                    // edges in the maxtrix with
                    // character 'v'
                    mat[i][j] = 'v';
                    mat[j][i] = 'v';
    int nn = n;
    // Loop over all node to find other non
    // compatable edges
    while (nn-- > 0)
        // Loop over every pair of nodes in
        // the given formal language
        for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            for(int j = i + 1; j < n; j++)
                int k;
                for(k = 0; k < m; k += 2)
                    // If the the output is
                    // not specified then
                    // leave edge unprocessed
                    if (arr[i][k + 1] == '-' ||
                        arr[j][k + 1] == '-')
                    // If output is not equal
                    // then break as non-compatable
                    if (arr[i][k + 1] !=
                        arr[j][k + 1])
                if (k < m)
                for(k = 0; k < m; k += 2)
                    // If next states are unspecified
                    // then continue
                    if (arr[i][k] == '-' ||
                        arr[j][k] == '-')
                    // If the states are not equal
                    if (arr[i][k] != arr[j][k])
                        int x = arr[i][k] - 'A';
                        int y = arr[j][k] - 'A';
                        // If the dependent edge
                        // is not compatable then
                        // this edge is also not
                        // compatable
                        if (mat[x][y] == 'v')
                            mat[i][j] = 'v';
                            mat[j][i] = 'v';
    // Output all Non-compatable Edges
    System.out.printf("Not Compatable Edges \n");
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        for(int j = i + 1; j < n; j++)
            if (mat[i][j] == 'v')
                System.out.printf("(%c, %c) ",
                                  i + 65, j + 65);
    // Output all Compatable Edges
    System.out.printf("Compatable Edges \n");
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        for(int j = i + 1; j < n; j++)
            if (mat[i][j] != 'v')
                System.out.printf("(%c, %c)",
                                  i + 65, j + 65);
// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
    int n = 6, m = 4;
    char arr[][] = { { '-', '-', 'C', '1',
                       'E', '1', 'B', '1' },
                     { 'E', '0', '-', '-',
                       '-', '-', '-', '-' },
                     { 'F', '0', 'F', '1',
                       '-', '-', '-', '-' },
                     { '-', '-', '-', '-',
                       'B', '1', '-', '-' },
                     { '-', '-', 'F', '0',
                       'A', '0', 'D', '1' },
                     { 'C', '0', '-', '-',
                       'B', '0', 'C', '1' } };
    findEdges(arr, n, m);
// This code is contributed by Amit Katiyar

// C# implementation of
// the above approach
using System;
class GFG{
static int M = 8;
// Function to find the
//compatible and non-compatible
// for a given formal language 
static void findEdges(char [,]arr,
                      int n, int m)
  // To store the compatible edges
  char [,]mat = new char[1000, 1000];
  // Loop over every pair of
  // nodes in the given
  // formal language
  for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    for(int j = i + 1; j < n; j++)
      // Traverse through the output
      // column and compare it between
      // each set of pairs of nodes
      for(int k = 0; k < 2 * m; k += 2)
        // If the the output is not
        // specified then leave the
        // edge unprocessed
        if (arr[i, k + 1] == '-' ||
            arr[j, k + 1] == '-')
        // If the output of states
        // doesn't match then not
        // compatable.
        if (arr[i, k + 1] != arr[j, k + 1])
          // Mark the not compatable
          // edges in the maxtrix with
          // character 'v'
          mat[i, j] = 'v';
          mat[j, i] = 'v';
  int nn = n;
  // Loop over all node to find other non
  // compatable edges
  while (nn-- > 0)
    // Loop over every pair of nodes in
    // the given formal language
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
      for(int j = i + 1; j < n; j++)
        int k;
        for(k = 0; k < m; k += 2)
          // If the the output is
          // not specified then
          // leave edge unprocessed
          if (arr[i, k + 1] == '-' ||
              arr[j, k + 1] == '-')
          // If output is not equal
          // then break as non-compatable
          if (arr[i, k + 1] !=
              arr[j, k + 1])
        if (k < m)
        for(k = 0; k < m; k += 2)
          // If next states are unspecified
          // then continue
          if (arr[i, k] == '-' ||
              arr[j, k] == '-')
          // If the states are not equal
          if (arr[i, k] != arr[j, k])
            int x = arr[i, k] - 'A';
            int y = arr[j, k] - 'A';
            // If the dependent edge
            // is not compatable then
            // this edge is also not
            // compatable
            if (mat[x, y] == 'v')
              mat[i, j] = 'v';
              mat[j, i] = 'v';
  // Output all Non-compatable Edges
  Console.Write("Not Compatable Edges \n");
  for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    for(int j = i + 1; j < n; j++)
      if (mat[i, j] == 'v')
        Console.Write("({0}, {1}) ",
                      (char)(i + 65),
                      (char)(j + 65));
  // Output all Compatable Edges
  Console.Write("Compatable Edges \n");
  for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    for(int j = i + 1; j < n; j++)
      if (mat[i, j] != 'v')
        Console.Write("({0}, {1})",
                      (char)(i + 65),
                      (char)(j + 65));
// Driver Code
public static void Main(String[] args)
  int n = 6, m = 4;
  char [,]arr = {{'-', '-', 'C', '1',
                  'E', '1', 'B', '1'},
                 {'E', '0', '-', '-',
                  '-', '-', '-', '-'},
                 {'F', '0', 'F', '1',
                  '-', '-', '-', '-'},
                 {'-', '-', '-', '-',
                  'B', '1', '-', '-'},
                 {'-', '-', 'F', '0',
                  'A', '0', 'D', '1'},
                 {'C', '0', '-', '-',
                  'B', '0', 'C', '1'}};
  findEdges(arr, n, m);
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar

Not Compatable Edges
(A, E) (A, F) (B, F) (C, E) (D, E) (D, F) 
Compatable Edges
(A, B)(A, C)(A, D)(B, C)(B, D)(B, E)(C, D)(C, F)(E, F)

时间复杂度: O(M * N 3 ),其中N是状态数,M是每个状态的输出。
