通过使用FLT_RADIX作为对数的底数,C++ STL中的ilogb(x)函数返回| x |的对数的整数部分。通常,FLT_RADIX的值为2,因此ilogb()等效于ilog2()(仅对于正值)。
参数:该函数接受将要计算其ilogb()的单个强制参数x。数据类型可以是double,float,long double或int。
返回值:该函数使用FLT_RADIX作为对数的底数,返回| x |的对数的整数部分。该函数返回三个异常值:
- 如果参数为NaN,则返回FP_LOGBNAN 。
- 如果参数是无限的,则返回INT_MAX
- 如果参数为0,则返回FP_LOGB0 。
程序1 :
// C++ program to illustrate the ilogb()
// function when input is an integer
using namespace std;
int main()
int result, x = 25;
// Function to calculate ilogb(25)
result = ilogb(x);
cout << "ilogb (" << x << ") = " << result << endl;
// Function to calculate ilogb(50)
x = 50;
result = ilogb(x);
cout << "ilogb (" << x << ") = " << result << endl;
return 0;
ilogb (25) = 4
ilogb (50) = 5
程序2 :
// C++ program to illustrate the ilogb()
// function when input is a double value
using namespace std;
int main()
int result, x = 11.11;
result = ilogb(x);
cout << "ilogb (" << x << ") = " << result << endl;
x = 41.11;
result = ilogb(x);
cout << "ilogb (" << x << ") = " << result << endl;
return 0;
ilogb (11) = 3
ilogb (41) = 5
程序3 :
// C++ program to illustrate the ilogb()
// function when input is 0
using namespace std;
int main()
int result, x = 0;
result = ilogb(x);
cout << "ilogb (" << x << ") = " << result << endl;
return 0;
ilogb (0) = -2147483648
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