在Python中使用 Pydantic 模块创建自定义数据类型
考虑一下,我们正在从 API 调用中接收一些数据,我们需要对其进行某种分析。通常,API 响应将以 JSON 的形式发送响应,因此我们希望我们的模型能够序列化和反序列化 JSON (1) 。
此外,我们会假设某些变量的类型。例如,如果我们传递一个地址,我们会假设 pincode 是一个整数值。这是类型检查 (2) 。
要执行分析,您将对数据做出一些假设,例如,密码应与提供的地区名称匹配。这是验证 (3) 。
我们还可以假设,对于某些领域,比如州,它应该在印度的州列表中,而不是任何随机的任意值。这属于清洁 (4) 。
所以,有了这四个要求,让我们开始编码模式。我假设你的系统上安装了Python 。要安装pydantic ,只需运行,
pip install pydantic
# import required modules
from enum import Enum
from typing import Optional
from pydantic import BaseModel, PositiveInt, validator, root_validator, constr
# custom class used as choices for state
# pydantic choices using the built-in Enum of python
# which reduces the need for additional packages
class StateTypes(str, Enum):
# class to get personal credentials
class PersonalDetails(BaseModel):
id: int
# constr gives us the ability to specify
# the min and max length
name: constr(min_length=2, max_length=15
phone: PositiveInt
# validation at field level
# get phone number
def phone_length(cls, v):
# phone number should typically be of length 10
if len(str(v)) != 10:
raise ValueError("Phone number must be of ten digits")
return v
# class to get address
class Address(BaseModel):
id: int
address_line_1: constr(max_length=50)
# assigning some fields to be optional
address_line_2: Optional[constr(max_length=50)] = None
pincode: PositiveInt
city: constr(max_length=30)
# using choices in python is this simple.
# Just create a class with Enums as choices
# and the pass the class as type for the field
state: StateTypes
def pincode_length(cls, v):
if len(str(v)) != 6:
raise ValueError("Pincode must be of six digits")
return v
# using BaseModels as custom datatypes
# in the User class
class User(BaseModel):
personal_details: PersonalDetails
address: Address
# skip_on_failure=True means it will skip the
# validation for this class if it's custom
# fields are not validated
def check_id(cls, values):
# custom validation ensuring personal_details.id is
# same as address.id
personal_details: PersonalDetails = values.get("personal_details")
address: Address = values.get("address")
if personal_details.id != address.id:
raise ValueError(
"ID field of both personal_details as well as address should match"
return values
# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
# testing models
validated_data = {
"personal_details": {
"id": 1,
"name": "GeeksforGeeks",
"phone": 9999999999,
"address": {
"id": 1,
"address_line_1": "Sector- 136",
"pincode": 201305,
"city": "Noida",
"state": "UP",
# this would work without any error as
# no validation will fail
user = User(**validated_data)
# would print the standard __str__ value for the model
unvalidated_data = {
"personal_details": {
"id": 1,
"name": "GeeksforGeeks",
"phone": 9999999999,
"address": {
"id": 2,
"address_line_1": "Sector- 136",
"pincode": 201305,
"city": "Noida",
"state": "UP",
# this would raise a value error since the IDs
# are different
user = User(**unvalidated_data)
运行此命令后,第一个打印语句将成功执行,但在User模型的下一次初始化中,它将抛出ValueError类型的ValidationError ,因为个人详细信息和地址的ID不匹配。