令f:B→C和g:A→B是两个函数,令h = fo g。假设h是一个on函数。以下哪一项是TRUE?
(A) f和g都应该在函数上。
(B) f应该在上面,但g不必在上面
(C) g应该在上面,但f不必在上面
(D) f和g都不必位于答案: (B)
Given that, f: B → C and g: A → B and h = f o g.
Note that the sign o represents composition.
h is basically f(g(x)). So h is a function from set A
to set C.
It is also given that h is an onto function which means
for every value in C there is a value in A.
例子 :
Let us consider following sets
A : {a1, a2, a3}
B : {b1, b2}
C : {c1}
And following function values
f(b1) = c1
g(a1) = b1, g(a2) = b1, g(a3) = b1
Values of h() would be,
h(a1) = c1, h(a2) = c1, h(a3) = c1
Here h is onto, therefore f is onto, but g is
onto as b2 is not mapped to any value in A.
鉴于此,f:B→C和g:A→B且h = fo g。