📜  Neo4j和CouchDB之间的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-08-24 04:33:29             🧑  作者: Mango

1. Neo4j
Neo4j是最著名的图形数据库管理系统,它也是Neo4j,Inc.开发的NoSQL数据库系统。Neo4j与Mysql或MongoDB有所不同,因为它的功能使其与其他数据库管理系统相比显得特别。 Neo4j以图表形式存储和显示数据,而不是以表格格式或以Jason格式显示。在这里,整个数据由节点表示,您可以在节点之间创建关系,这意味着整个数据库集合将看起来像一个图形,这使其在其他数据库管理系统中独树一帜。

2. CouchDB
CouchDB是一个面向文档的开源NoSQL数据库。它由Apache软件基金会开发,主要关注易用性。 Apache CouchDB是最新的数据库之一。它是2005年发布的多主应用程序,于2008年成为Apache项目。它使用多种格式和协议来存储,传输和处理其数据。它是用Erlang编程语言编写的。


S.NO. Neo4j CouchDB
1. Developed by Neo4j, Inc. Developed by Apache Software Foundation.
2. It was initially released in 2007. It was initially released in 2005.
3. It is written using Java and Scala language. It is written in Erlang.
4. Its server operating systems are Linux, OS X, Solaris, and Windows. Its server operating systems are Android, BSD, Linux, OS X, Solaris and Windows.
5. Neo4j have predefined datatypes such as float, date, etc. In CouchDB there is no predefined datatypes.
6. APIs and other access methods includes Bolt protocol, Cypher query language, Java API, Neo4j-OGM, RESTful HTTP, API, Spring Data Neo4j, TinkerPop 3. APIs and other access methods include RESTful, HTTP/JSON API.
7. It is data schema free and schema optional. It is only data schema free.
8. It supports Causal Clustering using Raft protocol Replication. It supports both Master-Slave Replication and Master-Master Replication.
9. Its primary database model is is Graph DBMS. Its primary database model is Document store.
10. It does not support Partitioning methods. It supports Sharding Partitioning methods.
11. It does not supports MapReduce method. It supports MapReduce method.
12. It supports ACID transactions. It does not support ACID transactions.
13. It provides us with the concept of Referential Integrity and have Foreign keys. It does not provide us with the concept of Referential Integrity. Hence, no Foreign Keys.
14. It provides Causal and Eventual Consistency configurable in Causal Cluster setup and Immediate Consistency in stand-alone mode in a disrtibution system. It provides us with Eventual Consistency method to ensure consistency in a distributed system.
15. Famous companies like medium.com., Stack, Fiverr, Fundamentei, Trendyol Group, double slash, ingsmen Software, GAPO, etc uses Neo4j. Famous companies like GenCorp Technologies, Akamai Technologies, Hothead Games, Inc., Vivint Solar, etc uses CouchDB.
16. Neo4j supports .Net, Clojure, Elixir, Go, Groovy, Haskell, Java, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, Scala programming languages. Programming languages like C, C#, ColdFusion, Erlang, Haskell, Java, JavaScript, Lisp, Lua, Objective-C, OCaml, Perl, PHP, PL/SQL, Python, Ruby and Smalltalk is supported by CouchDB.