📜  QR码和NFC之间的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-08-24 04:38:33             🧑  作者: Mango

1. QR码:
QR码是一种以二维表示形式存储数据的方式。它也是条形码的一种形式。 1994年开发的QR码由QR扫描仪扫描,以获取其代表的信息。它水平和垂直存储数据。





S.No. QR code NFC
1. It was developed in 1994. It was developed in 2002.
2. It was developed by Masahiro Hara. It was developed by Franz Amtmann and Philippe Mangars.
3. It is only of 1 type. It is only of 1 type.
4. It is a type of 2D barcode or printed representation of data that can be scanned for data retrieval. It is a communication protocol for communication between devices (electronic) within a distance of 4cm.
5. It is used in supermarkets, hospitals, cinema or by individuals etc. for transfer of data (sharing contacts, photos, videos and other documents). It is used as identity cards, as key cards and as a method of contactless payments and mobile payments in various sectors such as retail, automobile, cinema etc.
6. It is based on Morse Code technology. It is based on inductive coupling between antennas of the devices.
7. It requires line of sight. It requires proximity (distance between the devices must be less than 4 centimetres, hence the name, Near field).
8. Only one QR code is examined at once. Only one NFC is examined at once.