在这种数据库管理中,数据被组织到相关表中。要访问数据库,它使用结构化查询语言(SQL)。该模型基于关系代数和微积分的数学理论。该模型的原始概念由EF Codd博士于1970年提出。一段时间后,该模型通过定义十二个规则(称为Codd规则)进行分类。对于任何要成为关系数据库的数据库,它必须满足12个Codd规则中的至少6个。这12条Codd的规则如下:
- 信息规则
- 保证访问规则
- 空值的系统处理
- 数据库描述规则
- 全面的数据子语言规则
- 查看更新规则
- 高级插入,更新和删除
- 物理数据独立
- 逻辑数据独立
- 诚信独立
- 分配独立性
- 非颠覆规则
- IBM的DB2通用数据库系统
- Informix的通用服务器
1. | RDBMS is a Relational Database Management System based on the Relational model of data. | ORDBMS is a Object Oriented Relational Database Management System based on the Relational as well as Object Oriented database model. |
2. | It follows table structure, it is simple to use and easy to understand. | It is same as RDBMS but it has some extra confusing extensions because of the Object Oriented concepts. |
3. | It has no extensibility and content. | It is only limited to the new data-types. |
4. | Since RDBMS is old so, it is very mature. | It is developing so it is immature in nature. |
5. | In this, there is extensive supply of tools and trained developers. | It can take the advances of RDBMS tools and developers. |
6. | It has poor support for Object-Oriented programming. | It supports the features of object-oriented programming. |
7. | It supports Structured Query Language (SQL). | It supports Object Query Language (OQL). |
8. | RDMS is used for traditional applications tasks such as data administration and data processing. | ORDMS is used for applications with complex objects. |
9. | It is capable of handling only simple data. | It is also capable of handling the complex data. |
10 | MS SQL server, MySQL, SQLite, MariaDB are examples of RDBMS. | PostgreSQL is an example of ORDBMS. |