📜  Evernote和Microsoft OneNote之间的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-08-27 04:54:30             🧑  作者: Mango

1. Evernote:
Evernote是一个软件程序,用于笔记,Web剪辑和存档。 Evernote由Evernote Corporation开发,并于2008年6月24日在OneNote之后开发。它在Microsoft Windows,Mac OS X,Chrome OS,Android,BlackBerry OS,BlackBerry Tablet OS,iOS,Windows Mobile,Windows Phone操作系统中受支持。 。


  • 它按字母顺序组织笔记本。
  • 在此图像中可搜索文本。
  • 允许使用标签进行高级便笺排序。
  • 唯一URL和社交媒体共享的功能。

2. Microsoft OneNote:
Microsoft OneNote是设计用于笔记,屏幕剪辑和音频评论等的软件程序。它是由Microsoft在2003年11月19日开发的。在Microsoft Windows,Android,iOS,Symbian,Windows Mobile和Windows Phone操作系统中受支持。


  • 提供将手写内容转换为文本的功能。
  • 它与其他Microsoft程序集成。
  • 协作功能易于使用。
  • 允许混合笔记介质(文本,涂抹等)

Evernote和Microsoft OneNote之间的区别:

01. Evernote is a suite of downloadable software designed for notetaking, web clipping and archiving. Microsoft OneNote is a software program designed for note taking, screen clipping and audio commentaries etc.
02. Evernote is a note taking software. While OneNote is also a note taking software.
03. It is developed by Evernote Corporation. It is developed by Microsoft.
04. It is released on June 24, 2008. It is released on November 19, 2003.
05. Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Chrome OS, Android, BlackBerry OS, BlackBerry Tablet OS, iOS, Windows Mobile, Windows Phone are the supported operating systems. Microsoft Windows, Android, iOS, Symbian, Windows Mobile, Windows Phone are supported operating systems.
06. Website of Evernote software is evernote.com. Website of OneNote software is evernote.com.
07. Notebook organization is stack type. Notebook organization is section type.
08. It has no advanced collaboration capabilities to track who does what. It has advanced collaboration capabilities to track who does what.
09. It supports PDF indexing. It does not support PDF indexing.