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📜  Microsoft Excel 和 Microsoft Access 之间的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-11 03:52:55             🧑  作者: Mango

1. 微软Excel:
Microsoft Excel 用于在水平和垂直行中显示数据。数据通常存储在单元格中。我们在 Excel 中有一个公式选项,可用于数据及其存储位置。

  • 您甚至可以添加任何图表、图形等,使其更具表现力。
  • 一旦访问,Excel 将锁定整个电子表格。
  • 使其他人无法编辑其他条目,甚至无法添加新条目。
  • Excel 文档称为工作簿,这些工作簿中的每一个都必须至少包含一个工作表。

2. 微软访问:
Microsoft Access 是一个数据库程序,它使用唯一的 ID 号和可编辑的数据列表来存储大量项目的详细信息,即您可以使用该程序进行存储。

  • Access 旨在让多个用户在同一个 DB 文件中工作以及各种安全预防措施项目,以帮助保护数据,例如记录级锁定。
  • 在 Access 中创建的数据库以 .mdb 扩展名保存。
  • 数据存储在表中。
  • 表的每个字段都可以与某些约束相关联,例如只允许一个字母数字值。
  • 与任何其他关系数据库一样,它基于表、字段和关系的原则工作。它支持不同种类的数字、日期、文本等。

Excel 和 Access 的区别:

SR.NO Microsoft Excel Microsoft Access
1 Microsoft Excel is an application that uses spreadsheets to create charts, graphs, tabular models. Microsoft Access is also an application that acts as a database program. It helps in collecting and sorting the data.
2 It is used for spreadsheets and financial calculations. It is used for storing and manipulating large amounts of information.
3 Microsoft Excel is easy to learn. Microsoft access is quite hard to learn.
4 The storage capacity is less since excel isn’t built for storing data. The storage capacity is more since access is mainly built for storing, sorting, and manipulating databases.
5 Excel is less flexibility as compared to access. Access has more flexibility as compared to excel.
6 It works on the data model of a non-relational or flat worksheet. It works on the model of multiple relational tables and sheets.
7 It locks the entire spreadsheet. It locks data at the record level.
8 Excel is good for short term solutions and small scale projects Access is good for long term solutions and large scale projects.