Ralph Kimball介绍了Kimball设计数据仓库的方法。这种方法从识别业务流程和Dataware内部必须回答的问题开始。这些信息集正在被分析,然后被很好地记录在案。提取转换加载(ETL)软件从称为数据集市的多个数据源中获取所有数据,然后将其加载到称为暂存的公共区域中。然后将其转换为OLAP多维数据集。
- 设置和构建非常快捷。
- 针对多个星型模式生成报告非常成功。
- 数据库操作非常有效。
- 占用较少的数据库空间,管理很容易。
Kimball Dataware房屋结构如下所示:
2. Inmon:
Bill Inmon介绍了设计数据仓库房屋的Inmon方法。这种方法从公司数据模型开始。该模型识别关键区域,并照顾客户,产品和供应商。该模型用于创建用于主要操作的详细逻辑模型。然后,使用细节模型来开发物理模型。此模型已规范化,可减少数据冗余。这是一个复杂的模型,很难用于创建数据集市的业务目的,并且每个部门都可以将其用于其目的。
- 数据仓库非常灵活地进行更改。
- 业务流程可以很容易地理解。
- 报表可以在整个企业中进行处理。
- ETL过程很少会出错。
Inmon Dataware内部结构如下所示:
Parameters | Kimball | Inmon |
Introduced by | Introduced by Ralph Kimball. | Introduced by Bill Inmon. |
Approach | It has Bottom-Up Approach for implementation. | It has Top-Down Approach for implementation. |
Data Integration | It focuses Individual business areas. | It focuses Enterprise-wide areas. |
Building Time | It is efficient and takes less time. | It is complex and consumes a lot of time. |
Cost | It has iterative steps and is cost effective. | Initial cost is huge and development cost is low. |
Skills Required | It does not need such skills but a generic team will do job. | It needs specialized skills to make work. |
Maintenance | Here maintenance is difficult. | Here maintenance is easy. |
Data Model | It prefers data to be in De-normalized model. | It prefers data to be in normalized model. |
Data Store Systems | In this, source systems are highly stable. | In this, source systems have high rate of change. |