📜  服务原语

📅  最后修改于: 2021-08-27 17:47:54             🧑  作者: Mango





Primitive Meaning
Request It represent entity that wants or request service to perform some action or do some work (requesting for connection to remote computer).
Indication It represent entity that is to be informed about event (receiver just have received request of connection).
Response It represents entity that is responding to event (receiver is simply sending the permission or allowing to connect).
Confirm It represent entity that acknowledges the response to earlier request that has come back (sender just acknowledge the permission to get connected to the remote host).


  • 要求 –
    该原语逐层(N + 1)传输或发送到N层,仅用于服务请求。
  • 指示–
    该原语由第N层返回到第(N + 1)层,以仅建议激活正在请求的服务或由第N层的服务启动的操作。
  • 回复 –
    该原语简单地由层(N + 1)提供以响应指示原语。它可能会确认或完成先前由指示原语调用的操作。
  • 确认 –
    该原语是由N个返回层到请求(N + 1)层简单地确认或事先由请求原语调用完成动作。


  • 连接。要求 –

  • 连接。指示–
  • 连接。回复 –
  • 连接。确认 –


Primitive Meaning
Listen When server is ready to accept request of incoming connection, it simply put this primitive into action. Listen primitive simply waiting for incoming connection request.
Connect This primitive is used to connect the server simply by creating or establishing connection with waiting peer.
Accept This primitive simply accepts incoming connection form peer.
Receive These primitive afterwards block the server. Receive primitive simply waits for incoming message.
Send This primitive is put into action by the client to transmit its request that is followed by putting receive primitive into action to get the reply. Send primitive simply sends or transfer the message to the peer.
Disconnect This primitive is simply used to terminate or end the connection after which no one will be able to send any of the message.


Primitive Meaning
Unitdata Unitdata primitive is simply required to send packet of data or information.
Facility, Report This primitive is required for getting details about the performance and working of the network such as delivery statistics or report.