📜  MRP和MRP II之间的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-08-27 17:54:53             🧑  作者: Mango

先决条件– ERP系统的演进


MRP的函数是提供物料可用性,即用于按时生产需求数量。此过程涉及监视库存和需求,从而自动创建用于采购或生产的采购建议。 MRP的主要目标是确定所需的材料,所需的数量以及所需的时间。这是要素材料清单,并强调实际资产。

2.制造资源计划(MRP II):


MRP和MRP II之间的区别:

Stands for Material Requirements Planning. Stands for Manufacturing Resource Planning.
Developed in 1970s. Developed in 1980s.
Widely used approach for production planning and scheduling in industry. Provides an information that is useful to all functional areas and encourages cross-functional interactions.
Aims at releasing and managing manufacturing orders and purchasing requisitions. Aims to control relevant material flows and production capacity while also taking into account the relationship between these material flows and the required capacity.
MRP is simply about ensuring the materials which are available to manufacture a specific part in a specific volume. It take care of all other aspects of a job including ordering, tracking inventory and ensuring capacity.
It takes inputs all in order to make sure you have the right amount of materials/labor/machinery on hand at any given time to satisfy the market or your company production goals. MRP II uses additional data from accounting records and sales for further analysis and forecasting of manufacturing requirements.