box-decoration-break 属性用于控制段落分片后的框装饰。它定义了元素的背景、填充、边框、边距和剪辑路径,当元素的框被分解成单独的部分时应用。
box-decoration-break: slice|clone|initial|inherit;
- 句法:
box-decoration-break: slice;
- 例子:
box-decoration-break property GeeksforGeeksA computer science portal for geeksbox-decoration-break: slice;
Prepare for the Recruitment drive of product based companies
like Microsoft, Amazon, Adobe etc with a free online placement
preparation course. The course focuses on various MCQ's & Coding
question likely to be asked in the interviews & make your
upcoming placement season efficient and successful. - 输出:
- 句法:
box-decoration-break: clone;
- 例子:
box-decoration-break property GeeksforGeeksA computer science portal for geeksbox-decoration-break: clone;
Prepare for the Recruitment drive of product based companies
like Microsoft, Amazon, Adobe etc with a free online placement
preparation course. The course focuses on various MCQ's & Coding
question likely to be asked in the interviews & make your
upcoming placement season efficient and successful. - 输出:
- 句法:
box-decoration-break: initial;
- 例子:
box-decoration-break property GeeksforGeeksA computer science portal for geeksbox-decoration-break: initial;
Prepare for the Recruitment drive of product based companies
like Microsoft, Amazon, Adobe etc with a free online placement
preparation course. The course focuses on various MCQ's & Coding
question likely to be asked in the interviews & make your
upcoming placement season efficient and successful. - 输出:
支持的浏览器: box-decoration-break 属性支持的浏览器如下:
- 谷歌浏览器 22.0 -webkit-
- 火狐 32.0
- Opera 11.5 -webkit-
- Safari 6.1 -webkit-