📜  从 3D 矩阵构造链表

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-02 07:39:15             🧑  作者: Mango

给定一个大小为X * Y * Z的 3D 矩阵 mat[ ][ ][ ] 。任务是将这个矩阵转换成一个全连接的循环链表。每个节点将有 6 个指针,即:左、右、上、下、前、后。


  • 对于矩阵的每个单元格,创建一个由 6 个指针组成的节点,分别为Up、Down、Left、Right、Back 和 Front
  • 链接所有节点的 Down 指针。对于给定的单元格,如果其下方不存在单元格,则将其向下指针指向行的最顶部单元格以保持循环顺序。
  • 链接所有节点的 Up 指针。对于给定的单元格,如果其上方不存在单元格,则将其向上指针指向行的最底部单元格以保持循环顺序。
  • 链接所有节点的右指针。对于给定的单元格,如果其右侧不存在单元格,则将其右指针指向该行最左侧的单元格以保持循环顺序。
  • 链接所有节点的左指针。对于给定的单元格,如果其左侧不存在单元格,则将其左指针指向该行最右侧的单元格以保持循环顺序。
  • 链接所有节点的 Front 指针。对于给定的单元格,如果它前面不存在单元格,则将其前面的指针指向该行最后面的单元格以保持循环顺序。
  • 链接所有节点的 Back 指针。对于给定的单元格,如果它后面没有单元格,则将其后指针指向该行最前面的单元格以保持循环顺序。
  • 因此以循环方式链接所有指针。遍历如此形成的整个链表,对于链表的每个节点,使用其 6 个指针打印它指向的所有值。


// C++ code for the above program
using namespace std;
// Node structure of the
// 3D-linked list
class ThreeDLinkedListNode {
    int val;
    ThreeDLinkedListNode* front;
    ThreeDLinkedListNode* back;
    ThreeDLinkedListNode* up;
    ThreeDLinkedListNode* right;
    ThreeDLinkedListNode* down;
    ThreeDLinkedListNode* left;
        int x,
        ThreeDLinkedListNode* f = NULL,
        ThreeDLinkedListNode* b = NULL,
        ThreeDLinkedListNode* u = NULL,
        ThreeDLinkedListNode* r = NULL,
        ThreeDLinkedListNode* d = NULL,
        ThreeDLinkedListNode* l = NULL)
        // initialization of 3D
        // linkedlist Node
        val = x;
        front = f;
        back = b;
        up = u;
        right = r;
        down = d;
        left = l;
    vector extractNeighbors()
        // extracting all front,
        // back, up, down, left,
        // right neighbours of
        // the node
        vector neighbour;
        // front back left right up down
        return neighbour;
class Solution {
    void setDown(
        vector > > a,
        int layer, int row, int column,
        ThreeDLinkedListNode* node)
        // setting the down pointers
        // of all nodes in a
        // 3D linked list
        bool flag = false;
        ThreeDLinkedListNode* head = node;
        // loop to traverse the layers
        for (int i = 0;
             i < layer; i++) {
                = node;
            // Loop to traverse the
            // columns of each layer
            for (int j = 0;
                 j < column; j++) {
                    = node;
                // Loop to traverse
                // each row
                for (int k = 0;
                     k < row; k++) {
                    // Check if its the
                    // last cell of the
                    // current row
                    if (k == row - 1)
                        node->down = start;
                            = new ThreeDLinkedListNode(
                                a[i][k + 1][j]);
                    node = node->down;
                // Check if it is the last
                // element of the current
                // column
                if (j == column - 1) {
                    node->right = start_layer_head;
                    // Check if it it is the
                    // last element of the
                    // current layer
                    if (i < layer - 1) {
                            = new ThreeDLinkedListNode(
                                a[i + 1][0][0]);
                        node = start_layer_head->back;
                    else {
                        start_layer_head->back = head;
                        node = start_layer_head->back;
                else {
                        = new ThreeDLinkedListNode(
                            a[i][0][j + 1]);
                    node = node->right;
    void setUp(
        vector > > a,
        int layer, int row, int column,
        ThreeDLinkedListNode* node)
        // setting the up pointers of all
        // nodes in a 3d linked list
        ThreeDLinkedListNode* head = node;
        // loop to traverse the layers
        for (int i = 0;
             i < layer; i++) {
                = node;
            // Loop to traverse the
            // columns
            for (int j = 0;
                 j < column; j++) {
                    = node;
                // Loop to traverse
                // the rows
                for (int k = 0;
                     k < row; k++) {
                    node->down->up = node;
                    node = node->down;
                // Check if it is the
                // last element of
                // the column
                if (j == column - 1) {
                        = start_layer_head->back;
                else {
                    node = node->right;
    void setRight(
        vector > > a,
        int layer, int row, int column,
        ThreeDLinkedListNode* node)
        // setting the Right pointers of
        // all nodes in a 3d linked list
        ThreeDLinkedListNode* head = node;
        // loop to traverse the layers
        for (int i = 0;
             i < layer; i++) {
                = node;
            // loop to traverse the
            // columns
            for (int j = 0;
                 j < column; j++) {
                    = node;
                // loop to traverse
                // the rows
                for (int k = 0;
                     k < row; k++) {
                        = node->right->down;
                    node = node->down;
                // Check if it is the
                // last element of the
                // column
                if (j == column - 1) {
                        = start_layer_head->back;
                else {
                    node = node->right;
    void setLeft(
        vector > > a,
        int layer, int row, int column,
        ThreeDLinkedListNode* node)
        // setting the Left pointers of
        // all nodes in a 3d linked list
        ThreeDLinkedListNode* head = node;
        // loop to traverse the layers
        for (int i = 0;
             i < layer; i++) {
                = node;
            // loop to traverse the
            // columns
            for (int j = 0;
                 j < column; j++) {
                    = node;
                // loop to traverse
                // the rows`
                for (int k = 0;
                     k < row; k++) {
                    node->right->left = node;
                    node = node->down;
                // Check if it is the
                // last element of the
                // column
                if (j == column - 1) {
                        = start_layer_head->back;
                else {
                    node = node->right;
    void setBack(
        vector > > a,
        int layer, int row, int column,
        ThreeDLinkedListNode* node)
        // setting the Back pointers of
        // all nodes in a 3d linked list
        ThreeDLinkedListNode* head = node;
        // loop to traverse the layers
        for (int i = 0;
             i < layer; i++) {
                = node;
            // loop to traverse the
            // columns
            for (int j = 0;
                 j < column; j++) {
                    = node;
                // loop to traverse
                // the rows
                for (int k = 0;
                     k < row; k++) {
                        = node->back->down;
                    node = node->down;
                // Check if it is the
                // last element of the
                // column
                if (j == column - 1) {
                    node = start_layer_head->back;
                else {
                    node = node->right;
                    node->back = start->back->right;
    void setFront(
        vector > > a,
        int layer, int row, int column,
        ThreeDLinkedListNode* node)
        // setting the Front pointers of
        // all nodes in a 3d linked list
        ThreeDLinkedListNode* head = node;
        // loop to traverse the layers
        for (int i = 0;
             i < layer; i++) {
                = node;
            // loop to traverse the
            // columns
            for (int j = 0;
                 j < column; j++) {
                    = node;
                // loop to traverse
                // the rows
                for (int k = 0;
                     k < row; k++) {
                    node->back->front = node;
                    node = node->down;
                // Check if it is the
                // last element of the
                // column
                if (j == column - 1) {
                    node = start_layer_head->back;
                else {
                    node = node->right;
                    node->back = start->back->right;
        vector > > a,
        int layer, int row, int column)
        ThreeDLinkedListNode* head
            = new ThreeDLinkedListNode(
        ThreeDLinkedListNode* temp = head;
        // setting down pointers
        // of all the nodes
        setDown(a, layer,
                row, column, temp);
        // setting up pointers
        // of all the nodes
        setUp(a, layer,
              row, column, temp);
        // setting right pointers
        // of all the nodes
        setRight(a, layer,
                 row, column, temp);
        // setting left pointers
        // of all the nodes
        setLeft(a, layer,
                row, column, temp);
        // setting back pointers
        // of all the nodes
        setBack(a, layer,
                row, column, temp);
        // setting front pointers
        // of all the nodes
        setFront(a, layer,
                 row, column, temp);
        return head;
void print_2d_matrix(
    vector > > mat,
    ThreeDLinkedListNode* head,
    int rows, int cols, int layer)
    ThreeDLinkedListNode* rest;
    // loop to traverse
    // the rows
    for (int i = 0;
         i < rows; ++i) {
        rest = head->down;
        // loop to traverse
        // the columns
        for (int j = 0;
             j < cols; ++j) {
            cout << mat[layer][i][j]
                 << "\t";
            vector neighbors
                = head->extractNeighbors();
            for (auto ne : neighbors)
                cout << ne << "\t";
            cout << "\n";
            head = head->right;
        head = rest;
void printOutput(
    vector > > mat,
    ThreeDLinkedListNode* head,
    int layer, int row, int column)
    ThreeDLinkedListNode* rest;
    // loop to traverse the layers
    for (int i = 0;
         i < layer; i++) {
        rest = head->back;
        print_2d_matrix(mat, head,
                        row, column, i);
        head = rest;
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Initialise the count
    // of layers, columns and
    // rows
    int layer = 3;
    int row = 3;
    int column = 3;
    vector > >
        vector >(
            row, vector(column)));
    mat = { { { 1, 2, 3 },
              { 4, 5, 6 },
              { 7, 8, 9 } },
            { { 10, 11, 12 },
              { 13, 14, 15 },
              { 16, 17, 18 } },
            { { 19, 20, 21 },
              { 22, 23, 24 },
              { 25, 26, 27 } } };
    // Function Call to form
    // the linked list for the
    // given 3D matrix
        = Solution()
                  mat, layer, row, column);
    cout << "element\t"
         << "front\tback\t"
         << "left\tright\t"
         << "up\tdown\n";
    // Function to print the
    // linked list elements
    // and thevalues pointed
    // by corresponding pointers
    printOutput(mat, head,
                layer, row, column);
    return 0;

element    front    back    left    right    up    down
1    19    10    3    2    7    4    
2    20    11    1    3    8    5    
3    21    12    2    1    9    6    
4    22    13    6    5    1    7    
5    23    14    4    6    2    8    
6    24    15    5    4    3    9    
7    25    16    9    8    4    1    
8    26    17    7    9    5    2    
9    27    18    8    7    6    3    
10    1    19    12    11    16    13    
11    2    20    10    12    17    14    
12    3    21    11    10    18    15    
13    4    22    15    14    10    16    
14    5    23    13    15    11    17    
15    6    24    14    13    12    18    
16    7    25    18    17    13    10    
17    8    26    16    18    14    11    
18    9    27    17    16    15    12    
19    10    1    21    20    25    22    
20    11    2    19    21    26    23    
21    12    3    20    19    27    24    
22    13    4    24    23    19    25    
23    14    5    22    24    20    26    
24    15    6    23    22    21    27    
25    16    7    27    26    22    19    
26    17    8    25    27    23    20    
27    18    9    26    25    24    21

时间复杂度: O(X * Y * Z),其中 X、Y、Z 是 3D 矩阵的维度。
辅助空间: O(X * Y * Z),其中 X、Y、Z 是 3D 矩阵的维度。

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