📜  使用链表的内存管理中的最佳拟合算法程序

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-07 02:08:36             🧑  作者: Mango




Input : blockSize[] = {100, 500, 200}
        processSize[] = {95, 417, 112, 426} 
Output :
Block with size 426 can't be allocated
Tag    Block ID    Size
0          0        95
1          1        417
2          2        112
After deleting node with tag id 1.
Tag    Block ID    Size
0        0         95
2        2        112
3        1        426

方法:想法是为每个内存块分配一个唯一的标签 id。每个不同大小的进程都被赋予了块 id,这表示它们属于哪个内存块,以及唯一的标签 id,用于删除特定进程以释放空间。创建给定内存块大小的空闲列表和已分配的进程列表。


每个进程都有一个唯一的标签 ID。从分配的链表中删除进程节点,为其他进程释放一些空间。删除后,使用被删除节点的block id增加空闲链表中的内存块大小。


// C++ implementation of program
// for best fit algorithm for memory
// management using linked list
using namespace std;
// Two global counters
int g = 0, k = 0;
// Structure for free list
struct free {
    int tag;
    int size;
    struct free* next;
}* free_head = NULL, *prev_free = NULL;
// Structure for allocated list
struct alloc {
    int block_id;
    int tag;
    int size;
    struct alloc* next;
}* alloc_head = NULL, *prev_alloc = NULL;
// Function to create free
// list with given sizes
void create_free(int c)
    struct free* p = (struct free*)
        malloc(sizeof(struct free));
    p->size = c;
    p->tag = g;
    p->next = NULL;
    if (free_head == NULL)
        free_head = p;
        prev_free->next = p;
    prev_free = p;
// Fuction to print free list which
// prints free blocks of given sizes
void print_free()
    struct free* p = free_head;
    cout << "Tag\tSize\n";
    while (p != NULL) {
        cout << p->tag << "\t"
             << p->size << "\n";
        p = p->next;
// Function to print allocated list which
// prints allocated blocks and their block ids
void print_alloc()
    struct alloc* p = alloc_head;
    cout << "Tag\tBlock ID\tSize\n";
    while (p != NULL) {
        cout << p->tag << "\t  " << p->block_id
             << "\t\t" << p->size << "\n";
        p = p->next;
// Function to allocate memory to
// blocks as per Best fit algorithm
void create_alloc(int c)
    // create node for process of given size
    struct alloc* q = (struct alloc*)
        malloc(sizeof(struct alloc));
    q->size = c;
    q->tag = k;
    q->next = NULL;
    struct free* p = free_head;
    // Temporary node r of free
    // type to find the best and
    // most suitable free node to
    // allocate space
    struct free* r = (struct free*)
        malloc(sizeof(struct free));
    r->size = 99999;
    // Loop to find best choice
    while (p != NULL) {
        if (q->size <= p->size) {
            if (p->size < r->size)
                r = p;
        p = p->next;
    // Node found to allocate
    // space from
    if (r->size != 99999) {
        // Adding node to allocated list
        q->block_id = r->tag;
        r->size -= q->size;
        if (alloc_head == NULL)
            alloc_head = q;
        else {
            prev_alloc = alloc_head;
            while (prev_alloc->next != NULL)
                prev_alloc = prev_alloc->next;
            prev_alloc->next = q;
    // Node with size not found
        cout << "Block with size "
             << c << " can't be allocated\n";
// Function to delete node from
// allocated list to free some space
void delete_alloc(int t)
    // Standard delete function
    // of a linked list node
    struct alloc *p = alloc_head, *q = NULL;
    // First, find the node according
    while (p != NULL)
    // to given tag id
        if (p->tag == t)
        q = p;
        p = p->next;
    if (p == NULL)
        cout << "Tag ID doesn't exist\n";
    else if (p == alloc_head)
        alloc_head = alloc_head->next;
        q->next = p->next;
    struct free* temp = free_head;
    while (temp != NULL) {
        if (temp->tag == p->block_id) {
            temp->size += p->size;
        temp = temp->next;
// Driver Code
int main()
    int blockSize[] = { 100, 500, 200 };
    int processSize[] = { 95, 417, 112, 426 };
    int m = sizeof(blockSize)
            / sizeof(blockSize[0]);
    int n = sizeof(processSize)
            / sizeof(processSize[0]);
    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    // block of tag id 1 deleted
    // to free space for block of size 426
    cout << "After deleting block"
         << " with tag id 1.\n";

Block with size 426 can't be allocated
Tag    Block ID    Size
0      0        95
1      1        417
2      2        112
After deleting block with tag id 1.
Tag    Block ID    Size
0      0        95
2      2        112
3      1        426

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