📜  B-Tree中的插入操作

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-08 16:12:59             🧑  作者: Mango

在上一篇文章中,我们介绍了 B-Tree。我们还讨论了 search() 和 traverse() 函数。
在这篇文章中,讨论了 insert() 操作。总是在叶节点处插入一个新键。设要插入的密钥为 k。和 BST 一样,我们从根开始向下遍历,直到到达叶节点。一旦我们到达叶节点,我们就在该叶节点中插入键。与 BST 不同,我们对节点可以包含的键数有一个预定义的范围。所以在向节点插入键之前,我们要确保节点有额外的空间。
在插入密钥之前,如何确保节点具有可用于密钥的空间?我们使用称为 splitChild() 的操作来拆分节点的子节点。请参阅下图以了解拆分。在下图中,x 的子节点 y 被拆分为两个节点 y 和 z。请注意, splitChild 操作将键向上移动,这就是 B-Trees 成长的原因,与 BSTs 向下成长不同。



1)将 x 初始化为 root。
2)当 x 不是叶子时,请执行以下操作
.. a)找到接下来要遍历的 x 的孩子。让孩子成为y。
.. b)如果 y 未满,则将 x 更改为指向 y。
.. c)如果 y 已满,则将其拆分并将 x 更改为指向 y 的两个部分之一。如果 k 小于 y 中的中间键,则将 x 设置为 y 的第一部分。 y 的其他第二部分。当我们拆分 y 时,我们将一个键从 y 移动到其父 x。
3)当 x 是叶子时,步骤 2 中的循环停止。 x 必须有 1 个额外键的空间,因为我们已经提前拆分了所有节点。所以只需将 k 插入到 x 中。

请注意,该算法遵循 Cormen 书。它实际上是一种主动插入算法,在进入节点之前,如果它已满,我们将其拆分。之前分裂的好处是,我们永远不会遍历一个节点两次。如果我们在深入之前不拆分节点并且仅在插入新键(反应性)时才拆分它,我们最终可能会再次从叶到根遍历所有节点。当从根到叶的路径上的所有节点都已满时,就会发生这种情况。所以当我们来到叶节点时,我们将它拆分并向上移动一个键。向上移动一个键会导致父节点分裂(因为父节点已经满了)。在这种主动插入算法中,这种级联效应永远不会发生。但是这种主动插入有一个缺点,我们可能会进行不必要的拆分。

让我们通过一个最小度数为 3 的示例树和一个初始为空的 B 树中的整数序列 10、20、30、40、50、60、70、80 和 90 来理解算法。

最初 root 是 NULL。让我们先插入 10。

现在让我们插入 20、30、40 和 50。它们都将插入到根中,因为节点可以容纳的最大键数是 2*t – 1,即 5。


现在让我们插入 60。由于根节点已满,首先将其拆分为两个,然后将 60 插入到相应的子节点中。

现在让我们插入 70 和 80。这些新的键将被插入到适当的叶子中,没有任何分裂。

现在让我们插入 90。这个插入会导致分裂。中间键将上升到父级。

以下是上述主动算法的 C++ 实现。

// C++ program for B-Tree insertion
using namespace std;
// A BTree node
class BTreeNode
    int *keys;  // An array of keys
    int t;      // Minimum degree (defines the range for number of keys)
    BTreeNode **C; // An array of child pointers
    int n;     // Current number of keys
    bool leaf; // Is true when node is leaf. Otherwise false
    BTreeNode(int _t, bool _leaf);   // Constructor
    // A utility function to insert a new key in the subtree rooted with
    // this node. The assumption is, the node must be non-full when this
    // function is called
    void insertNonFull(int k);
    // A utility function to split the child y of this node. i is index of y in
    // child array C[].  The Child y must be full when this function is called
    void splitChild(int i, BTreeNode *y);
    // A function to traverse all nodes in a subtree rooted with this node
    void traverse();
    // A function to search a key in the subtree rooted with this node.
    BTreeNode *search(int k);   // returns NULL if k is not present.
// Make BTree friend of this so that we can access private members of this
// class in BTree functions
friend class BTree;
// A BTree
class BTree
    BTreeNode *root; // Pointer to root node
    int t;  // Minimum degree
    // Constructor (Initializes tree as empty)
    BTree(int _t)
    {  root = NULL;  t = _t; }
    // function to traverse the tree
    void traverse()
    {  if (root != NULL) root->traverse(); }
    // function to search a key in this tree
    BTreeNode* search(int k)
    {  return (root == NULL)? NULL : root->search(k); }
    // The main function that inserts a new key in this B-Tree
    void insert(int k);
// Constructor for BTreeNode class
BTreeNode::BTreeNode(int t1, bool leaf1)
    // Copy the given minimum degree and leaf property
    t = t1;
    leaf = leaf1;
    // Allocate memory for maximum number of possible keys
    // and child pointers
    keys = new int[2*t-1];
    C = new BTreeNode *[2*t];
    // Initialize the number of keys as 0
    n = 0;
// Function to traverse all nodes in a subtree rooted with this node
void BTreeNode::traverse()
    // There are n keys and n+1 children, traverse through n keys
    // and first n children
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        // If this is not leaf, then before printing key[i],
        // traverse the subtree rooted with child C[i].
        if (leaf == false)
        cout << " " << keys[i];
    // Print the subtree rooted with last child
    if (leaf == false)
// Function to search key k in subtree rooted with this node
BTreeNode *BTreeNode::search(int k)
    // Find the first key greater than or equal to k
    int i = 0;
    while (i < n && k > keys[i])
    // If the found key is equal to k, return this node
    if (keys[i] == k)
        return this;
    // If key is not found here and this is a leaf node
    if (leaf == true)
        return NULL;
    // Go to the appropriate child
    return C[i]->search(k);
// The main function that inserts a new key in this B-Tree
void BTree::insert(int k)
    // If tree is empty
    if (root == NULL)
        // Allocate memory for root
        root = new BTreeNode(t, true);
        root->keys[0] = k;  // Insert key
        root->n = 1;  // Update number of keys in root
    else // If tree is not empty
        // If root is full, then tree grows in height
        if (root->n == 2*t-1)
            // Allocate memory for new root
            BTreeNode *s = new BTreeNode(t, false);
            // Make old root as child of new root
            s->C[0] = root;
            // Split the old root and move 1 key to the new root
            s->splitChild(0, root);
            // New root has two children now.  Decide which of the
            // two children is going to have new key
            int i = 0;
            if (s->keys[0] < k)
            // Change root
            root = s;
        else  // If root is not full, call insertNonFull for root
// A utility function to insert a new key in this node
// The assumption is, the node must be non-full when this
// function is called
void BTreeNode::insertNonFull(int k)
    // Initialize index as index of rightmost element
    int i = n-1;
    // If this is a leaf node
    if (leaf == true)
        // The following loop does two things
        // a) Finds the location of new key to be inserted
        // b) Moves all greater keys to one place ahead
        while (i >= 0 && keys[i] > k)
            keys[i+1] = keys[i];
        // Insert the new key at found location
        keys[i+1] = k;
        n = n+1;
    else // If this node is not leaf
        // Find the child which is going to have the new key
        while (i >= 0 && keys[i] > k)
        // See if the found child is full
        if (C[i+1]->n == 2*t-1)
            // If the child is full, then split it
            splitChild(i+1, C[i+1]);
            // After split, the middle key of C[i] goes up and
            // C[i] is splitted into two.  See which of the two
            // is going to have the new key
            if (keys[i+1] < k)
// A utility function to split the child y of this node
// Note that y must be full when this function is called
void BTreeNode::splitChild(int i, BTreeNode *y)
    // Create a new node which is going to store (t-1) keys
    // of y
    BTreeNode *z = new BTreeNode(y->t, y->leaf);
    z->n = t - 1;
    // Copy the last (t-1) keys of y to z
    for (int j = 0; j < t-1; j++)
        z->keys[j] = y->keys[j+t];
    // Copy the last t children of y to z
    if (y->leaf == false)
        for (int j = 0; j < t; j++)
            z->C[j] = y->C[j+t];
    // Reduce the number of keys in y
    y->n = t - 1;
    // Since this node is going to have a new child,
    // create space of new child
    for (int j = n; j >= i+1; j--)
        C[j+1] = C[j];
    // Link the new child to this node
    C[i+1] = z;
    // A key of y will move to this node. Find the location of
    // new key and move all greater keys one space ahead
    for (int j = n-1; j >= i; j--)
        keys[j+1] = keys[j];
    // Copy the middle key of y to this node
    keys[i] = y->keys[t-1];
    // Increment count of keys in this node
    n = n + 1;
// Driver program to test above functions
int main()
    BTree t(3); // A B-Tree with minium degree 3
    cout << "Traversal of the constucted tree is ";
    int k = 6;
    (t.search(k) != NULL)? cout << "\nPresent" : cout << "\nNot Present";
    k = 15;
    (t.search(k) != NULL)? cout << "\nPresent" : cout << "\nNot Present";
    return 0;


Traversal of the constucted tree is  5 6 7 10 12 17 20 30
Not Present

算法导论第 3 版 作者:Clifford Stein、Thomas H. Cormen、Charles E. Leiserson、Ronald L. Rivest

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