S.NO |
Fact Table |
Dimension Table |
1. | Fact table contains the measuring on the attributes of a dimension table. | Dimension table contains the attributes on that truth table calculates the metric. |
2. | In fact table, There is less attributes than dimension table. | While in dimension table, There is more attributes than fact table. |
3. | In fact table, There is more records than dimension table. | While in dimension table, There is less records than fact table. |
4. | Fact table forms a vertical table. | While dimension table forms a horizontal table. |
5. | The attribute format of fact table is in numerical format and text format. | While the attribute format of dimension table is in text format. |
6. | It comes after dimension table. | While it comes before fact table. |
7. | The number of fact table is less than dimension table in a schema. | While the number of dimension is more than fact table in a schema. |
8. | It is used for analysis purpose and decision making. | While the main task of dimension table is to store the information about a business and its process. |