1. 用户数据报协议(UDP):
UDP 是一种传输层协议。它是 Internet 协议套件的一部分,简称 UDP/IP 套件。它是不可靠且无连接的协议。因此,无需在数据传输之前建立连接。 UDP 套接字是数据报套接字的一个示例。它在多播和广播方面更有效。
实时传输协议 (RTP) 是一种互联网协议,用于通过网络传输音频和视频。它主要用于涉及流媒体的通信和娱乐系统。
UDP 和 RTP 的区别:
S.No. | UDP | RTP |
1. | UDP stands for User Datagram Protocol. | RTP stands for Real-time Transport Protocol. |
2. | UDP is the Datagram oriented protocol. It is because there is no overhead for opening a connection, maintaining a connection, and terminating a connection. | RTP is a internet protocol which is used for delivering audio and video over networks. |
3. | It is a connection-less protocol. | It is a stateless protocol. |
4. | UDP is slower, simpler and less efficient as compared. | RTP is faster, simpler and more efficient than UDP. |
5. | UDP is used for real-time streaming. | RTP is used for real-time streaming. |
6. | It has no retransmission of lost packets. | It can tolerate packet loss. |
7. | It supports broadcasting and multicasting. | It also supports broadcasting and multicasting. |
8. | UDP is unreliable. | RTP is less reliable. |