数据科学: 1974 年,Peter Naur 提出数据科学作为计算机科学的替代名称。数据科学是人工智能的一个子集。简单地说,数据科学是一组要分析的数据,我们代表它做出决定。它使用来自许多结构化和非结构化数据的科学方法、流程、算法和见解。从事数据科学工作的人被称为数据科学家。
人工智能:在新罕布什尔州汉诺威达特茅斯学院的一次会议上,人工智能一词被创造出来(1956 年)。这是一种提供给机器的类人智能,机器的行为像人一样思考。他们解决问题的速度比人类快。语音识别、翻译工具等是人工智能的构建领域。人工智能就是机器学习深度学习等。我们可以在一定程度上模拟认知和人类理解。
Data science | Artificial Intelligence |
Data Science is a detailed process that mainly involves pre- processing analysis, visualization and prediction. | AI(short) is the implementation of a predective model to forecast future events and trends. |
It has a high degree of scientific processing. | It has a lot of high level of complex processing. |
By using the concept of data science, we can build complex models about statistics and facts about data. | By using this we emulate cognition human understanding to a certain level. |
It uses the technique of data analysis and data analytics. | It uses a lot of machine learning techniques. |
Its knowledge was established to find hidden patterns and trends in the data. | Its knowledge is all about imparting some autonomy to a data model. |
R, Python, etc are the tools used in data science. | Tensorflow, scikit-learn, Kaffee, etc are the tools used in AI. |
Its applications are advertising, marketing, Healthcare, etc. | Its application are robotics, automation, etc. |