黑帽搜索引擎优化:黑帽搜索引擎优化是指一组通过违反搜索引擎服务条款的方式来提高网站或页面在搜索引擎中的排名的做法。 “黑帽”一词起源于西方电影,用来区分“坏人”和戴白帽子的“好人”(见白帽搜索引擎优化)。最近,它更常用于描述计算机黑客、病毒制造者以及对计算机进行不道德行为的人。
例如:内容自动化、门页、隐藏文本或链接、关键字填充、报告竞争对手(或负面 SEO)等。
白帽 SEO:白帽 SEO 是指在搜索引擎服务条款内的工作,以提高站点的搜索引擎结果页面 (SERP) 排名,同时保持您网站的完整性并保持在搜索引擎的服务条款范围内。
下表列出了黑帽 SEO 和白帽 SEO 之间的差异:
.Difference-table td {
边框:1px 实心 #5fb962;
.difference-table th {
边框:1px 实心 #5fb962;
.Difference-table tr:nth-child(odd) {
Black Hat SEO | White Hat SEO |
Black Hat SEO refers to the use of aggressive SEO tactics and strategies that focus only on search engine not on human audience. | White Hat SEO refers to the use of optimization SEO tactics and strategies that focus more on human audience as opposed to search engine and completely follow search engines rules and policies. |
It is used by those who are looking for quick financial return on their website. | It improves your search performance on search engine result page(SERP) along maintaining the integrity of the website. |
It contain stuff and spam keywords into the on-page contents to fool the search engine spiders and improve ranking. | It contain properly research, craft titles, Meta tags according to webpage, industry, relevance |
It consists of irrelevant back links. | It get the link because of quality content. |
It exchange the links for the ranking. | It consists of natural links. |
It is also known as Unethical SEO. | It is also known as Ethical SEO. |
It is used for short term goals and benefits. | It is used for long term goal and benefits. |