我们可以将各种各样的控制器板用于我们的硬件项目。其中最受欢迎的两个是: Arduino和Raspberry Pi 。
Arduino基于ATmega家族,设计和软件结构相对简单。树莓派,基本上就是单板电脑。它们都有一个 CPU 来执行指令、定时器、内存和 I/O 引脚。两者之间的主要区别在于 Arduino 往往具有强大的 I/O 能力,可以直接驱动外部硬件。而 Raspberry Pi 的 I/O 较弱,需要晶体管来驱动硬件。
让我们看看 Arduino 和 Raspberry Pi 之间的区别:-
S No. | Arduino | Raspberry Pi |
1. | Control unit of Arduino is from Atmega family. | While control unit of Raspberry Pi is from ARM family. |
2. | Arduino is based on a microcontroller. | While Raspberry Pi is based on a microprocessor. |
3. | It is designed to control the electrical components connected to the circuit board in a system. | While Raspberry Pi computes data and produces valuable outputs, and controls components in a system based on the outcome of its computation. |
4. | Arduino boards have a simple hardware and software structure. | While Raspberry Pi boards have a complex architecture of hardware and software. |
5. | CPU architecture: 8 bit. | CPU architecture: 64 bit. |
6. | It uses very less RAM, 2 kB. | While Raspberry Pi requires more RAM, 1 GB. |
7. | It clocks a processing speed of 16 MHz. | While Raspberry Pi clocks a processing speed of 1.4 GHz. |
8. | It is cheaper in cost. | While Raspberry Pi is expensive. |
9. | It has a higher I/O current drive strength. | While Raspberry Pi has a lower I/O current drive strength. |
10. | It consumes about 200 MW of power. | While it consumes about 700 MW of power. |