端点安全也称为端点保护软件是一种安全方法,用于检测恶意网络活动和其他网络攻击,并保护端点意味着最终用户或企业客户使用的任何设备。这些端点设备包括服务器、台式机、笔记本电脑、智能手机、工作站和其他物联网 (IoT) 设备。 Endpoint Protection 软件主要面向各种规模的企业或商业用途,而非个人或家用计算机。
- 端点设备检测和响应/报告漏洞。
- 基于反恶意软件的预防和数据保护。
- 有关漏洞的报告、警报和警告。
- 安全故障原因查找的事件调查。
- 修复以控制恶意软件的传播。
- 第三方安全工具集成。
防病毒软件是一种安全软件,可防止、检测和删除恶意软件。恶意软件描述了旨在损害计算机网络或其子组件的各种恶意或不需要的代码。恶意软件包括病毒、特洛伊木马、键盘记录器、勒索软件、蠕虫等。防病毒软件 (AV) 是独立的安全解决方案,安装在台式机、笔记本电脑和智能手机等个人设备以及服务器上。如今,这些防病毒软件中的大多数都提供了所有类型的安全措施。这些防病毒软件 (AV) 在后台运行并经常扫描设备目录和文件以查找恶意模式并在检测到任何恶意软件时发出警报。
- 实时和手动扫描。
- 使用互联网期间的网络保护。
- 各种威胁识别。
- 删除或隔离受感染的文件。
- 有关定期扫描和更新的警报和通知。
- 自动功能更新。
Endpoint Security 和防病毒软件之间的区别:
S.No. | Endpoint Security | Antivirus Software |
01. | Endpoint Security software protects network and all their endpoints from various threats. | Antivirus software protects a individual system or device from various malware activities. |
02. | Endpoint Protection Software is a centrally managed security solution. | Antivirus software is a standalone security solution and it needs to be installed on computer system individually. |
03. | Endpoint security aims to protect the entire network and its endpoints. | Antivirus software aims to protect individual devices. |
04. | It provides data access hierarchies to setup levels of access. | It does not provide data access hierarchies to setup levels of access. |
05. | Endpoint security provides data encryption features means during sending and downloading of files it locks the data from being accessed by unauthorized parties. | Antivirus software does not provide data encryption features means during sending and downloading of files it does not lock the data from being accessed by unauthorized parties. |
06. | It works like an all-rounder with multiple capabilities including intrusion detection and firewall etc. | It works like a subset of Endpoint security software. |
07. | Endpoint security software is mostly used by organizations of small or large sizes. | Antivirus software is mostly used by home users and very small organizations. |
08. | It remotely controls security operations. | It detects and removes malicious files. |
09. | It works as a security solution for entire organization. | It works as a security solution for individual workstation. |