先决条件 – 网络拓扑类型
1. 网状拓扑:
网状拓扑是一种网络拓扑,其中每台计算机都连接到网络中的所有其他计算机。它是最容错的网络拓扑,因为它有多个连接。在网状拓扑中,每台计算机通过一个点连接到另一台计算机指向链接。如果有 n 个组件,则每个组件都连接到 n-1 个其他组件,即具有 n 个组件的网状拓扑将具有 n(n-1)/2。网状拓扑可以有两种类型,即全网状拓扑和部分网状拓扑。网状拓扑是最健壮和可靠的拓扑之一。
2. 总线拓扑:
S.NO. | Mesh Topology | Bus Topology |
1. | Mesh topology is a topology where each device is connected to every other device in the network. | Bus topology is a topology where each device is connected to a single cable which is known as the backbone. |
2. | In Mesh topology failure of one device will not cause the break in transfer of data. | In Bus topology the failure of the network cable will cause the whole network to fail . |
3. | Mesh topology can manage high amount of traffic in the network as multiple devices can transmit data. | Bus topology can not effectively manage high amount of traffic as if there is high traffic then performance of the network is affected. |
4. | Mesh topology is more costly than bus topology. | Bus topology is less costly as compared to mesh topology. |
5. | Mesh topology is more complex to understand as compared to bus topology. | Bus topology is relatively easier to understand. |
6. | Mesh topology transmits data faster than bus topology. | In Bus topology the data is transmitted slower as compared to mesh topology. |
7. | Mesh topology provides more security than bus topology. | Bus topology provides less security as compared to mesh topology. |