介绍 :
持续集成(CI) :
顾名思义,CI 是一种在测试代码时在构建之前发生的方法。它需要开发人员不断地将代码集成或合并到共享存储库中。从长远来看,它通常有助于节省更多成本,因为在流程后期发现缺陷时,解决高级架构中的缺陷的成本更高。它被认为是更好的软件开发方式,因为它减少了合并功能时的缺陷数量并解决了我的机器问题。
持续交付(CD) :
顾名思义,CD 是一种使用自动化来加速新代码发布的方法。在这种情况下,团队可以尽快在短周期内开发、测试和发布软件。它通常确保所做的每个更改都可以通过发布过程的完全自动化来发布。一个有能力交付到生产。其最重要的因素是检查的完整性。
S.No. |
Continuous Integration |
Continuous Delivery |
1. | It is a process of integrating code into mainline code base. | It is a process that involves testing, staging, and deploying code that happens after code is integration for app changes to be delivered to users. |
2. | It is especially designed to regularly integrate code changes into shared code repository. | It is especially designed to ensure that code can be rapidly and safely deployed to production by delivering each and every change to production. |
3. | Its main aim is to provide rapid feedback so that if there is aby defect in code base, it can be identified and resolved as soon as possible. | Its main aim is to have code base that is always ready for deployment to production environment. |
4. | It uses automation to quickly detect problems and asset new code’s correctness before integration. | It uses automation to speed release of new code. |
5. | It is really important as it allows better transparency and farsightedness in process of software development and delivery. | It is really important as it makes us release processes more efficiently and repeatable as much as possible. |
6. | It generally reduces overhead, built confidence, provide consistent build process, mitigate risks, better team communication, etc. | It generally reduces risk and deliver software with fewer bugs, quickly respond to market conditions, release new to market more frequently, etc. |
7. | It provides more benefits to developers because allows for code produced to be tested automatically and integrated continuously with other developer’s code and that too with existing code base. | It provides more benefits to business users because as soon as code is accepted successfully in CI stage and logical function can be tested, it is released to users. |
8. | This process is less complex and less costly as compared to CD. | This process is more complex and more costly as compared to CI. |
结论 :
在这里,我们已经介绍了 CI/CD 之间的概述和差异。它是开发软件项目的传统方式之一。在 CI/CD 规划中,分析、设计、实施、测试、部署和维护是主要阶段。
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