大数据是指规模庞大且随时间增长迅速的数据。大数据包括结构化数据、非结构化数据和半结构化数据。传统的数据管理工具无法对大数据进行存储和处理,需要专门的大数据管理工具。它是指具有 5 V 的体积、速度、真实性、价值和多样性信息资产的复杂和大型数据集。它包括数据存储、数据分析、数据挖掘和数据可视化。
- 各种大数据——结构化、非结构化和半结构化数据
- 大数据的速度——数据生成的速度
- 大数据量——正在生成的海量数据
- 大数据的价值——提取有用的信息并使其有价值
- 大数据的可变性——数据有时会显示出不一致。
- 节约成本
- 更好的决策
- 更好的销售洞察
- 提高生产力
- 改善客户服务。
- 不兼容的工具
- 安全和隐私问题
- 文化变革的需要
- 技术的快速变化
- 特定的硬件需求。
云计算是指计算资源在互联网上的按需可用性。这些资源包括服务器、存储、数据库、软件、分析、网络和互联网上的智能,所有这些资源都可以根据客户的要求使用。在云计算中,客户必须按使用量付费。它非常灵活,可以根据需要轻松扩展资源。可以根据云供应商的要求使用所有资源,而不是物理购买任何 IT 资源。云计算具有三种服务模式,即基础设施即服务(IaaS)、平台即服务(PaaS)和软件即服务(SaaS)。
提供云计算服务的云计算供应商的例子有亚马逊网络服务 (AWS)、微软 Azure、谷歌云平台、IBM 云服务等。
- 按需可用性
- 可通过网络访问
- 弹性可扩展性
- 随用随付模型
- 多租户和资源池。
- 备份和恢复数据
- 改进协作
- 出色的可达性
- 维护成本低
- 按需自助服务。
- 供应商锁定
- 有限控制
- 安全问题
- 由于各种原因停机
- 需要良好的互联网连接。
01. | Big data refers to the data which is huge in size and also increasing rapidly with respect to time. | Cloud computing refers to the on demand availability of computing resources over internet. |
02. | Big data includes structured data, unstructured data as well as semi-structured data. | Cloud Computing Services includes Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS). |
03. | Volume of data, Velocity of data, Variety of data, Veracity of data, and Value of data are considered as the 5 most important characteristics of Big data. | On-Demand availability of IT resources, broad network access, resource pooling, elasticity and measured service are considered as the main characteristics of cloud computing. |
04. | The purpose of big data is to organizing the large volume of data and extracting the useful information from it and using that information for the improvement of business. | The purpose of cloud computing is to store and process data in cloud or availing remote IT services without physically installing any IT resources. |
05. | Distributed computing is used for analyzing the data and extracting the useful information. | Internet is used to get the cloud based services from different cloud vendors. |
06. | Big data management allows centralized platform, provision for backup and recovery and low maintenance cost. | Cloud computing services are cost effective, scalable and robust. |
07. | Some of the challenges of big data are variety of data, data storage and integration, data processing and resource management. | Some of the challenges of cloud computing are availability, transformation, security concern, charging model. |
08. | Big data refers to huge volume of data, its management, and useful information extraction. | Cloud computing refers to remote IT resources and different internet service models. |
09. | Big data is used to describe huge volume of data and information. | Cloud computing is used to store data and information on remote servers and also processing the data using remote infrastructure. |
10. | Some of the sources where big data is generated includes social media data, e-commerce data, weather station data, IoT Sensor data etc. | Some of the cloud computing vendors who provides cloud computing services are Amazon Web Service (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, IBM Cloud Services etc. |