使用 OpenCV 和 Tesseract OCR 进行车牌识别
您将了解自动车牌识别。我们将使用 Tesseract OCR An Optical 字符 Recognition Engine (OCR Engine) 自动识别车牌中的文字。
Python 正方体:
Py-tesseract 是用于Python的光学字符识别 (OCR) 工具。也就是说,它将识别并“读取”图像中嵌入的文本。 Python-tesseract 是 Google 的 Tesseract-OCR 引擎的包装器。它也被用作单独的脚本,因为它可以读取所有图像类型,如 jpeg、png、gif、bmp、tiff 等。此外,如果用作脚本,Python-tesseract 将打印识别的文本而不是将其写入一份文件。它有能力识别100多种语言。
pip install pytesseract
OpenCV 是一个开源的计算机视觉库。该库有超过 2500 种优化算法。这些算法通常用于搜索和识别人脸、识别物体、识别风景以及使用增强现实生成标记以覆盖图像等。
pip install opencv-python
注意:确保您正确安装了 pytesseract 和 OpenCV-python 模块
# Loading the required python modules
import pytesseract # this is tesseract module
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cv2 # this is opencv module
import glob
import os
Note: the name of image files has to be the exact number in respective license plate image. example: if you have a with license plate having number as “FTY349U” then name the image file as “FTY349U.jpg”.
代码:在车牌上使用 Tesseract 引擎执行 OCR
# specify path to the license plate images folder as shown below
path_for_license_plates = os.getcwd() + "/license-plates/**/*.jpg"
list_license_plates = []
predicted_license_plates = []
for path_to_license_plate in glob.glob(path_for_license_plates, recursive = True):
license_plate_file = path_to_license_plate.split("/")[-1]
license_plate, _ = os.path.splitext(license_plate_file)
Here we append the actual license plate to a list
Read each license plate image file using openCV
img = cv2.imread(path_to_license_plate)
We then pass each license plate image file
to the Tesseract OCR engine using the Python library
wrapper for it. We get back predicted_result for
license plate. We append the predicted_result in a
list and compare it with the original the license plate
predicted_result = pytesseract.image_to_string(img, lang ='eng',
config ='--oem 3 --psm 6 -c tessedit_char_whitelist = ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789')
filter_predicted_result = "".join(predicted_result.split()).replace(":", "").replace("-", "")
print("Actual License Plate", "\t", "Predicted License Plate", "\t", "Accuracy")
print("--------------------", "\t", "-----------------------", "\t", "--------")
def calculate_predicted_accuracy(actual_list, predicted_list):
for actual_plate, predict_plate in zip(actual_list, predicted_list):
accuracy = "0 %"
num_matches = 0
if actual_plate == predict_plate:
accuracy = "100 %"
if len(actual_plate) == len(predict_plate):
for a, p in zip(actual_plate, predict_plate):
if a == p:
num_matches += 1
accuracy = str(round((num_matches / len(actual_plate)), 2) * 100)
accuracy += "%"
print(" ", actual_plate, "\t\t\t", predict_plate, "\t\t ", accuracy)
calculate_predicted_accuracy(list_license_plates, predicted_license_plates)
我们看到,Tesseract OCR 引擎大多数情况下都能以 100% 的准确率正确预测所有车牌。对于 Tesseract OCR 引擎预测错误的车牌(即 GWT2180、OKV8004、JSQ1413),我们将对这些车牌文件应用图像处理技术,并将它们再次传递给 Tesseract OCR。应用图像处理技术将提高 Tesseract 引擎对 GWT2180、OKV8004、JSQ1413 车牌的准确性。
# Read the license plate file and display it
test_license_plate = cv2.imread(os.getcwd() + "/license-plates / GWT2180.jpg")
plt.title('GWT2180 license plate')
- 图像大小调整:
使用 cv2.resize 在水平和垂直方向上将图像文件的大小调整为 2 倍
resize_test_license_plate = cv2.resize( test_license_plate, None, fx = 2, fy = 2, interpolation = cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
- 转换为灰度:接下来,我们将调整大小的图像文件转换为灰度,以优化检测并大幅减少图像中存在的颜色数量,这将有助于轻松检测车牌。
grayscale_resize_test_license_plate = cv2.cvtColor( resize_test_license_plate, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
- 去噪图像:
高斯模糊是一种对图像进行去噪的技术。它使边缘更清晰,更平滑,从而使字符更具可读性。gaussian_blur_license_plate = cv2.GaussianBlur( grayscale_resize_test_license_plate, (5, 5), 0)
现在,将转换后的车牌文件传递给 Tesseract OCR 引擎并查看预测结果。
new_predicted_result_GWT2180 = pytesseract.image_to_string(gaussian_blur_license_plate, lang ='eng', config ='--oem 3 -l eng --psm 6 -c tessedit_char_whitelist = ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789') filter_new_predicted_result_GWT2180 = "".join(new_predicted_result_GWT2180.split()).replace(":", "").replace("-", "") print(filter_new_predicted_result_GWT2180)
同样,对所有其他未达到 100% 准确度的车牌进行此图像处理。最后,车牌检测模型就准备好了。
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