函数式编程 是一种编程范式,其中一切都在函数的帮助下完成,并使用函数作为其基本构建块。在其中,我们只是尝试以纯数学函数的风格绑定每一个东西。程序通常是在更高级别编写的,因此更容易理解。
Functional Programming |
Logical Programming |
It is totally based on functions. | It is totally based on formal logic. |
In this programming paradigm, program statements usually express or represent facts and rules related to problems within a system of formal logic. | In this programming paradigm, programs are constructed by applying and composing functions. |
These are specially designed to manage and handle symbolic computation and list processing applications. | These are specially designed for fault diagnosis, natural language processing, planning, and machine learning. |
Its main aim is to reduce side effects that are accomplished by isolating them from the rest of the software code. | Its main aim is to allow machines to reason because it is very useful for representing knowledge. |
Some languages used in functional programming include Clojure, Wolfram Language, Erland, OCaml, etc. | Some languages used for logic programming include Absys, Cycl, Alice, ALF (Algebraic logic functional programming language), etc. |
It reduces code redundancy, improves modularity, solves complex problems, increases maintainability, etc. | It is data-driven, array-oriented, used to express knowledge, etc. |
It usually supports the functional programming paradigm. | It usually supports the logic programming paradigm. |
Testing is much easier as compared to logical programming. | Testing is comparatively more difficult as compared to functional programming. |
It simply uses functions. | It simply uses predicates. Here, the predicate is not a function i.e., it does not have a return value. |