📜  固定分区和可变分区的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-15 01:07:24             🧑  作者: Mango

1. 固定分区:

2. 可变分区:


S.NO. Fixed partitioning Variable partitioning
1. In multi-programming with fixed partitioning the main memory is divided into fixed sized partitions. In multi-programming with variable partitioning the main memory is not divided into fixed sized partitions.
2. Only one process can be placed in a partition. In variable partitioning, the process is allocated a chunk of free memory.
3. It does not utilize the main memory effectively. It utilizes the main memory effictively.
4. There is presence of internal fragmentation and external fragmentation. There is external fragmentation.
5. Degree of multi-programming is less. Degree of multi-programming is higher.
6. It is more easier to implement. It is less easier to implement.
7. There is limitation on size of process. There is no limitation on size of process.