📜  生产者消费者问题及其C++实现

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-27 22:53:31             🧑  作者: Mango

概述 :
在本文中,我们将讨论生产者-消费者问题及其使用 C++ 的实现。生产者-消费者问题是一个经典的两进程同步问题。让我们一一讨论。

问题陈述 :

  1. 制作人——
    生产者进程执行一组语句 intproduce 来创建一个数据元素并将其存储在缓冲区中。
  2. 消费者 –

解决方案 :

在 C++ 中的实现:

第 1 部分:缓冲区大小是无限的——

using namespace std;
// Declaration
int r1,total_produced=0,total_consume=0;
// Semaphore declaration
sem_t notEmpty;
// Producer Section
void* produce(void *arg){
      cout<<"Producer produces item."<

using namespace std;
// Declaration
int r1, items = 0;
// Semaphore declaration
sem_t notEmpty, notFull;
// Producer Section
void* produce(void* arg)
    while (1) {
        sleep(rand() % 100 * 0.01);
        cout << 
      "Producer produces item.Items Present = "
             << ++items << endl;
        sleep(rand() % 100 * 0.01);
// Consumer Section
void* consume(void* arg)
    while (1) {
        sleep(rand() % 100 * 0.01);
        cout << 
     "Consumer consumes item.Items Present = "
             << --items << endl;
        sleep(rand() % 100 * 0.01);
int main(int argv, char* argc[])
    int N;
    cout << 
      "Enter the capacity of the buffer" << endl;
    cin >> N;
    // thread declaration
    pthread_t producer, consumer;
    // Declaration of attribute......
    pthread_attr_t attr;
    // semaphore initialization
    sem_init(¬Empty, 0, 0);
    sem_init(¬Full, 0, N);
    // pthread_attr_t initialization
    // Creation of process
    r1 = pthread_create(&producer, &attr, 
                        produce, NULL);
    if (r1) {
        cout << 
          "Error in creating thread" << endl;
    r1 = pthread_create(&consumer, &attr, 
                        consume, NULL);
    if (r1) {
        cout << 
          "Error in creating thread" << endl;
    // destroying the pthread_attr
    // Joining the thread
    r1 = pthread_join(producer, NULL);
    if (r1) {
        cout << "Error in joining thread" << endl;
    r1 = pthread_join(consumer, NULL);
    if (r1) {
        cout << "Error in joining thread" << endl;
    // Exiting thread
    return 0;

第 2 部分:缓冲区大小固定或有限的地方 –


using namespace std;
// Declaration
int r1, items = 0;
// Semaphore declaration
sem_t notEmpty, notFull;
// Producer Section
void* produce(void* arg)
    while (1) {
        sleep(rand() % 100 * 0.01);
        cout << 
      "Producer produces item.Items Present = "
             << ++items << endl;
        sleep(rand() % 100 * 0.01);
// Consumer Section
void* consume(void* arg)
    while (1) {
        sleep(rand() % 100 * 0.01);
        cout << 
     "Consumer consumes item.Items Present = "
             << --items << endl;
        sleep(rand() % 100 * 0.01);
int main(int argv, char* argc[])
    int N;
    cout << 
      "Enter the capacity of the buffer" << endl;
    cin >> N;
    // thread declaration
    pthread_t producer, consumer;
    // Declaration of attribute......
    pthread_attr_t attr;
    // semaphore initialization
    sem_init(¬Empty, 0, 0);
    sem_init(¬Full, 0, N);
    // pthread_attr_t initialization
    // Creation of process
    r1 = pthread_create(&producer, &attr, 
                        produce, NULL);
    if (r1) {
        cout << 
          "Error in creating thread" << endl;
    r1 = pthread_create(&consumer, &attr, 
                        consume, NULL);
    if (r1) {
        cout << 
          "Error in creating thread" << endl;
    // destroying the pthread_attr
    // Joining the thread
    r1 = pthread_join(producer, NULL);
    if (r1) {
        cout << "Error in joining thread" << endl;
    r1 = pthread_join(consumer, NULL);
    if (r1) {
        cout << "Error in joining thread" << endl;
    // Exiting thread
    return 0;