📜  谷歌广告和 Facebook 广告的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-10-19 05:56:03             🧑  作者: Mango

1. 谷歌广告:
Google Ads 是一种由 Google(2000 年 10 月 23 日)开发的市场或在线广告平台,我们通过关键字或展示广告、产品列表、Google 广告网络中的服务提供来推广我们的业务。主要用于关键字搜索的谷歌广告。如果您为 google 广告选择最佳关键字,那么您的广告会在 google 上展示第一页,这有助于用户轻松识别。

2. 脸书广告:
Facebook 广告是一种在线广告,它描述了对社交网络服务的关注,该服务允许广告到达特定受众或目标受众,并分析他们的兴趣、购买模式、行为和使用情况。它还包括目标受众的年龄、性别、位置。 Facebook 每天约有 118 万活跃用户。

谷歌广告和 Facebook 广告的区别:

Google ads Facebook ads
Google ads is especially effective in improving brand awareness, driving engagement and manage events. Facebook ads is more effective when it come to increasing sales and acquiring leads.
Google ads are less effective as compare to Facebook ads due to the popularity of Adblock. Facebook ads is more effective because there is no Adblock system in that.
In google ads audience profile based on what they are searching for that moment. In facebook ads audience profile based on what they like and who they are.
Targeted audience based on age, gender, location and interest. Targeted audience based on context and searching intent.
Google Ads includes:
Search Network campaign,
Display Network campaign,
Shopping campaign,
Video campaign,
App campaign
Facebook ads include:
Video ads,
Photo ads,
Slideshow ads,
Carousel ads,
Canvas ads