📜  Python的生日提醒应用程序

📅  最后修改于: 2021-10-19 07:58:54             🧑  作者: Mango

这个应用程序有助于提醒生日和通知你朋友的生日。此应用程序使用Python和 Ubuntu 通知在系统每次启动时通知用户。

# Python program For
# Birthday Reminder Application
# time module is must as reminder 
# is set with the help of dates
import time
# os module is used to notify user 
# using default "Ubuntu" notification bar
import os
# Birthday file is the one in which the actual birthdays
# and dates are present. This file can be 
# manually edited or can be automated. 
# For simplicity, we will edit it manually.
# Birthdays should be written in this file in
# the format: "MonthDay Name Surname" (Without Quotes)
birthdayFile = '/path/to/birthday/file'
def checkTodaysBirthdays():
    fileName = open(birthdayFile, 'r')
    today = time.strftime('%m%d')
    flag = 0
    for line in fileName:
        if today in line:
            line = line.split(' ')
            flag =1
            # line[1] contains Name and line[2] contains Surname
            os.system('notify-send "Birthdays Today: ' + line[1]
            + ' ' + line[2] + '"')
    if flag == 0:
            os.system('notify-send "No Birthdays Today!"')
if __name__ == '__main__':


写完上面的代码之后,是时候添加这个Python脚本来启动了。这可以在Ubuntu 中完成,如下所示:

  1. 首先,我们必须为我们的提醒.py 脚本创建一个可执行文件
  2. 这可以通过在终端中键入以下命令来完成
    sudo chmod +x reminder.py, where reminder.py is our script file name 
  3. 现在我们必须将此文件传输到 Linux 搜索其默认文件的路径:
    sudo cp /path/to/our/reminder.py /usr/bin

    .这会将我们的可执行脚本添加到 /usr/bin。

  4. 在全局搜索中,搜索启动应用程序
  5. 单击“添加”并为您的流程指定一个所需的名称
  6. 键入命令。例如,我们的文件名是提醒.py,然后在命令字段中输入提醒.py 并选择添加


