📜  Golang 中的竞争条件

📅  最后修改于: 2021-10-24 14:15:41             🧑  作者: Mango


考虑以下场景以更好地理解并发。想象一个装满 laddoos 的篮子和站在篮子附近的两个人。一个人被分配了一项任务来测量篮子里每个 laddu 的数量、质量、重量并检查其他重要特征。现在他一开始观察laddoos并得出一些结论,同时第二个人篡改一些laddoos形状,将它们打成粉末,甚至吃了一些laddoos。它同时发生:一个注意到 laddoos 的特征,另一个破坏了原始特征。现在世界上没有办法让第一个知道原始数据,因为他只注意到甚至他都不知道的篡改数据。这是一个竞争条件。同时执行的两个任务会干扰一些常见的事情,导致大量数据丢失。


package main
import (
func execute(some string) {
    // initializing a infinite for loop
    for i := 1; true; i++ {
        // prints string and number
        fmt.Println(some, i)
        // this makes the program sleep for
        // 100 milliseconds, wiz 10 seconds
        time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100)
func main() {
    // Simple go synchronous program 
    // without any concurrency
    // when this func is called it executes
    // and then passes on to next line
    // after the first second is to be executed
    // the problem is, execute function will 
    // never finish execution, its trapped 
    // in an infinite loop so the program will 
    // never move to second execution.
    fmt.Println("program ends successfully")
    // if I'm wrong and both first and second 
    // execute, then this line should print too
    // check the output

Golang 中的竞争条件

如果您使用 Windows,您很可能会在屏幕上看到这样的输出。上面的输出就这样继续下去并且没有结束,除非你手动停止它或者它用完了系统内存来执行。


package main
import (
func execute(some string) {
    // initializing a infinite for loop
    for i := 1; true; i++ {
        // prints string and number
        fmt.Println(some, i)
        // this makes the program sleep for
        // 100 milliseconds, wiz 10 seconds
        time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100)
func main() {
    // Simple go program with concurrency
    go execute("First")
    // Placing the go command infront of the
    // func call simply creates a goroutine
    // The goroutine ensures that both functions
    // execute simultaneously & successfully
    fmt.Println("program ends successfully")
    // This statement still won't execute because
    // the func call is stuck in an infinite loop
    // check the output

Golang 中的竞争条件示例

如果您使用 Windows,您很可能会在屏幕上看到这样的输出。当你在 Go 中创建一个 goroutine 时,它通常会通过将等待时间分配给其他主要任务来加快执行速度,现在让我们看看如果你在同一个程序中创建两个 goroutine 会发生什么。

package main
import (
func execute(some string) {
    // initializing a infinite for loop
    for i := 1; true; i++ {
        // prints string and number
        fmt.Println(some, i)
        // this makes the program sleep for
        // 100 milliseconds, wiz 10 seconds
        time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100) 
func main() {
    // Simple go program with concurrency
    go execute("First")
    // Placing the go command in front of the
    // func call simply creates a goroutine
    go execute("Second")
    // The second goroutine, you may think that the
    // program will now run with lightning speed
    // But, both goroutines go to the background 
    // and result in no output at all Because the
    // program exits after the main goroutine
    fmt.Println("Program ends successfully")
    // This statement will now be executed
    // and nothing else will be executed
    // check the output

Golang 中的 2 个 GoRoutine 导致竞争条件

如果您使用 Windows,您很可能会在屏幕上看到这样的输出。让我们考虑一个竞争条件场景来结束我们的话题:

package main
// one goroutine is the main
// goroutine that comes by default
import (
var wgIns sync.WaitGroup
func main() {
    // shared variable
    counter := 0
    // the other 10 goroutines are
    // supposed to come from here
    for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
        // goroutines are made
        go func() {
            for j := 0; j < 10; j++ {
                // shared variable execution
                counter += 1
                // 100 should be the counter value but
                // it may be equal to 100 or lesser
                // due to race condition
    // this value should actually be 11
    fmt.Println("The number of goroutines before wait = ", runtime.NumGoroutine())
    // value should be 100
    fmt.Println("Counter value = ", counter)
    fmt.Println("The number of goroutines after wait = ", runtime.NumGoroutine())
    // this value is supposed to be 1
    // but lets see if these values
    // stay consistently same every
    // time we run the code

Golang 中的竞争条件实际示例
