📜  具有第 K 个最大 XOR 的最小子矩阵

📅  最后修改于: 2021-10-27 09:14:55             🧑  作者: Mango

给定一个维度为N × M的矩阵m[][]和一个整数K ,计算XOR(i, j) ,它等于子矩阵从索引(1, 1) 到 (i, j)的所有元素的按位异或) ,对于矩阵的每个索引。任务是找到具有K最大XOR(i, j)值的子矩阵{(1, 1), …, (i, j)} 。如果存在多个这样的子矩阵,则打印最小的一个。

注意:考虑来自 (1, 1) 的矩阵的起始索引。


方法:想法是使用动态规划找到 XOR (i, j)。

  • 按位 XOR(i, j) 计算为 xor[i][j] = xor[i-1][j] ^ xor[i][j-1] ^ xor[i-1][j-1] ^ m[i][j]。
  • 将针对各个索引(i, j)获得的XOR(i, j)值存储在 Map 中。
  • 使用大小为K的最小堆查找所有 XOR(i, j) 值的K最大值。
  • 使用 Map 找到XOR(i, j)等于在上述步骤中获得的第K最大值的最小索引(i, j)


// C++ program for above approach
using namespace std;
// Function to print smallest index of
// Kth maximum xors value of submatrices
void smallestPosition(int m[][3], int k, int row)
    // Dimensions of matrix
    int n = row;
    int mm = row;
    // Stores xors values for every index
    int xors[n][mm];
    // Min heap to find the
    // kth maximum xors value
           greater> minHeap;
    // Stores indices for
    // corresponding xors values
    map> map;
    // Traversing matrix to
    // calculate xors values
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        for(int j = 0; j < mm; j++)
            int a = i - 1 >= 0 ? xors[i - 1][j] : 0;
            int b = j - 1 >= 0 ? xors[i][j - 1] : 0;
            int c = (i - 1 >= 0 && j - 1 >= 0) ?
                xors[i - 1][j - 1] : 0;
            xors[i][j] = m[i][j] ^ a ^ b ^ c;
            // Insert calculated value
            // in Min Heap
            // If size exceeds k
            if (minHeap.size() > k)
                // Remove the minimum
            // Store smallest index
            // containing xors[i][j]
            if (map.find(xors[i][j]) == map.end())
                map[xors[i][j]] = {i, j};
    // Stores the kth maximum element
    int kth_max_e = minHeap.top();
    // Print the required index
    cout << (map[kth_max_e][0] + 1) << " "
         << (map[kth_max_e][1] + 1);
// Driver Code
int main()
    int m[][3] = { { 1, 2, 3 },
                   { 2, 2, 1 },
                   { 2, 4, 2 } };
    int k = 1;
    // Function call
    smallestPosition(m, k, 3);
// This code is contributed by grand_master

// Java Program for above approach
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
class GFG {
    // Function to print smallest index of
    // Kth maximum Xor value of submatrices
    static void smallestPosition(int m[][], int k)
        // Dimensions of matrix
        int n = m.length;
        int mm = m[0].length;
        // Stores XOR values for every index
        int[][] xor = new int[n][mm];
        // Min heap to find the
        // kth maximum XOR value
        PriorityQueue minHeap
            = new PriorityQueue<>();
        // Stores indices for
        // corresponding XOR values
        Map map
            = new HashMap<>();
        // Traversing matrix to
        // calculate XOR values
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < mm; j++) {
                int a = i - 1 >= 0
                            ? xor[i - 1][j]
                            : 0;
                int b = j - 1 >= 0
                            ? xor[i][j - 1]
                            : 0;
                int c = (i - 1 >= 0 && j - 1 >= 0)
                            ? xor[i - 1][j - 1]
                            : 0;
                xor[i][j] = m[i][j] ^ a ^ b ^ c;
                // Insert calculated value
                // in Min Heap
                // If size exceeds k
                if (minHeap.size() > k) {
                    // Remove the minimum
                // Store smallest index
                // containing xor[i][j]
                if (!map.containsKey(xor[i][j]))
                            new int[] { i, j });
        // Stores the kth maximum element
        int kth_max_e = minHeap.poll();
        // Print the required index
            (map.get(kth_max_e)[0] + 1)
            + " " + (map.get(kth_max_e)[1] + 1));
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int m[][] = { { 1, 2, 3 },
                      { 2, 2, 1 },
                      { 2, 4, 2 } };
        int k = 1;
        // Function call
        smallestPosition(m, k);

# Python3 Program for the
# above approach
# Function to print smallest index of
# Kth maximum Xor value of submatrices
def smallestPosition(m, k) :
    # Dimensions of matrix
    n = len(m)
    mm = len(m[1])
    # Stores XOR values for
    # every index
    xor = [[0 for i in range(mm)] for j in range(n)]
    # Min heap to find the
    # kth maximum XOR value
    minHeap = []
    # Stores indices for
    # corresponding XOR values
    Map = {}
    # Traversing matrix to
    # calculate XOR values
    for i in range(n) :
        for j in range(mm) :
            if i - 1 >= 0 :
                a = xor[i - 1][j]
            else :
                a = 0
            if j - 1 >= 0 :
                b = xor[i][j - 1]
            else :
                b = 0
            if i - 1 >= 0 and j - 1 >= 0 :
                c = xor[i - 1][j - 1]
            else :
                c = 0
            xor[i][j] = m[i][j] ^ a ^ b ^ c
            # Insert calculated value
            # in Min Heap
            # If size exceeds k
            if (len(minHeap) > k) :
                # Remove the minimum
                del minHeap[0]
            # Store smallest index
            # containing xor[i,j]
            if xor[i][j] not in Map :
                Map[xor[i][j]] = [i, j]
    # Stores the kth maximum
    # element
    kth_max_e = minHeap[0]
    # Print the required index
    print((Map[kth_max_e][0] + 1), (Map[kth_max_e][1] + 1))
# Driver code   
m = [[1, 2, 3],
    [2, 2, 1],
    [2, 4, 2]]
k = 1
# Function call
smallestPosition(m, k)
# This code is contributed by divyesh072019

// C# Program for the
// above approach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG{
// Function to print smallest index of
// Kth maximum Xor value of submatrices
static void smallestPosition(int [,]m,
                             int k)   
  // Dimensions of matrix
  int n = m.GetLength(0);
  int mm = m.GetLength(1);
  // Stores XOR values for
  // every index
  int[,] xor = new int[n, mm];
  // Min heap to find the
  // kth maximum XOR value
  List minHeap =
            new List();
  // Stores indices for
  // corresponding XOR values
  Dictionary map = new Dictionary();
  // Traversing matrix to
  // calculate XOR values
  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < mm; j++)
      int a = i - 1 >= 0 ?
              xor[i - 1, j] : 0;
      int b = j - 1 >= 0 ?
              xor[i, j - 1] : 0;
      int c = (i - 1 >= 0 &&
               j - 1 >= 0) ?
               xor[i - 1, j - 1] : 0;
      xor[i, j] = m[i, j] ^
                  a ^ b ^ c;
      // Insert calculated value
      // in Min Heap
      minHeap.Add(xor[i, j]);
      // If size exceeds k
      if (minHeap.Count > k)
        // Remove the minimum
      // Store smallest index
      // containing xor[i,j]
      if (!map.ContainsKey(xor[i, j]))
        map.Add(xor[i, j],
                new int[] {i, j});
  // Stores the kth maximum
  // element
  int kth_max_e = minHeap[0];
  // Print the required index
  Console.WriteLine((map[kth_max_e][0] + 1) +
                     " " + (map[kth_max_e][1] + 1));
// Driver Code
public static void Main(String[] args)
  int [,]m = {{1, 2, 3},
              {2, 2, 1},
              {2, 4, 2}};
  int k = 1;
  // Function call
  smallestPosition(m, k);
// This code is contributed by Amit Katiyar

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时间复杂度: O(N * M * log K)
辅助空间: O(N * M)

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